Simple analysis on rollup bundling, helping you to spot libaries bloating up your bundles.
codemirror - 446.92 KB (35.94%)
remarkable - 193.72 KB (15.58%)
app - 95.87 KB (7.71%)
autolinker - 81.64 KB (6.57%)
lodash.filter - 62.77 KB (5.05%)
or with way more details!
codemirror - 446.92 KB (35.94%)
lib\codemirror.js - 347.8 KB (77.82%)
mode\javascript\javascript.js - 27.78 KB (6.22%)
mode\markdown\markdown.js - 25.54 KB (5.72%)
mode\meta.js - 14.44 KB (3.23%)
mode\xml\xml.js - 12.52 KB (2.80%)
addon\edit\closebrackets.js - 7.04 KB (1.58%)
addon\edit\matchbrackets.js - 5.39 KB (1.21%)
addon\comment\continuecomment.js - 3.59 KB (0.80%)
addon\selection\active-line.js - 2.82 KB (0.63%)
remarkable - 193.72 KB (15.58%)
lib\common\entities.js - 46.44 KB (23.97%)
lib\rules.js - 10.2 KB (5.26%)
lib\rules_block\list.js - 6.65 KB (3.43%)
lib\ruler.js - 5.44 KB (2.81%)
lib\rules_block\deflist.js - 5.22 KB (2.69%)
$ npm i rollup-plugin-sizes -D
Add to your rollup build as the last plugin via JS API or Config file.
var rollup = require("rollup"),
buble = require("rollup-plugin-buble"),
sizes = require("rollup-plugin-sizes");
entry : "src/main.js",
plugins : [
}).then(function(bundle) {
import buble from 'rollup-plugin-buble';
import sizes from 'rollup-plugin-sizes';
export default {
plugins : [
- Set to true to enable file-by-file breakdowns of space usage.
- Customize reporting. See source code for the default reporter.
This project's version number currently has a "0.x" prefix, indicating that it's a young project under heavy development. As long as the version number starts with "0.x", minor revisions may introduce breaking changes.
You've been warned!
Once it reaches version 1.0.0, it will adhere strictly to SemVer 2.0.