Visual Studio Code extension for peeking to component files in Vue projects
- 1
- 0
css selectors not work
#19 opened by bfrontend - 0
support nuxt components prefix
#18 opened by caesar0731 - 0
Support for Pascal case
#17 opened by saminton - 0
Publish to OpenVSX
#16 opened by tennox - 0
Disable references in CSS/SCSS
#15 opened by lazercaveman - 0
Missing license information
#14 opened by mjs-paessler - 1
#7 opened by xereda - 1
- 3
It works for camelCase but not for hypen-case
#12 opened by lustremedia - 2
- 0
Since the newest VS Code update, pressing F12 to open a Vue component doesn't open it and throws an error
#9 opened by agm1984 - 0
from .js file not found .vue file
#8 opened by Seungwoo321 - 0
Doesn't find Vuetify Components
#6 opened by ijabit - 4
Feature request: handle `@` syntax
#4 opened by ffxsam - 1
Ignore files
#5 opened by iamstevendao - 4
"Go to definition" actually just peeks
#3 opened by ffxsam - 2
Can you support js file
#2 opened by kinanson - 2