Phosg is a basic C++ wrapper library around some common C routines. A short summary of its contents: - Byteswapping and encoding functions (base64, rot13) - Directory listing, smart-pointer fopen and stat, file and path manipulation - Hash functions (fnv1a64, sha1, sha256, md5) - Basic image manipulation/drawing - JSON (de)serialization - Network helpers (IP address parsing/formatting, listen/connect sockets) - OS random data sources - Process utilities (list processes, name <> PID mapping, subprocess execution) - Time conversions - std::string helpers like printf, split, time/size formatting, etc. - 2D, 3D, 4D vectors and basic vector math - KD-tree and LRU set data structures Phosg also includes an executable (jsonformat) that reformats JSON. Building & installing on macOS, Linux, or Windows (in a Cygwin bash shell): - Install CMake, zlib (zlib-devel on Cygwin), and Python 3. - `cmake .` - `make` - `make test` - `sudo make install` The Windows build does not have continuous integration, so I may accidentally break it and not know for a while. Feel free to file a GitHub issue if it doesn't work.