
My attempt at a lightweight and featureful emacs configuration

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp

T.H.W.A.P. Emacs dot-files

Installed packages

keyboard shortcuts

All T.H.W.A.P. key sequences start with C-t this shall be known as the THWAP key.

Org related key sequences

Key Sequence Command Description
C-t a r pop-to-org-agenda Show the org-agenda with priority sections.
C-t c org-capture Capture a new note or agenda item.
C-t a org-agenda Start agenda operations.
C-t p org-pomodoro Start/Stop pomodoro timer.
C-t P org-publish Publish org project according to configs.
C-t k I org-kanban/initialize Insert Kanban board at current point.
C-t k E org-kanban/initialize-at-end Insert Kanban board at end of file.
C-t k B org-kanban/initialize-at-beginning Insert Kanban board at beginning of file.
C-t k n org-kanban/next Goto next kanban item.
C-t k p org-kanban/prev Goto previous kanban item.
C-t k s org-kanban/shift Shift item to the next column.

Elfeed keybindings

Key Sequence Command Description
C-t r s elfeed Pop up the RSS feed window
C-t r u elfeed-update Update all the rss feeds
C-t r a elfeed-add-feed Add a feed to the elfeed configs
C-t r d elfeed-kill-buffer Close the current elfeed buffer
C-t r f elfeed-searc-live-filter Filter based on tags

Json/JS related key sequences

Key Sequence Command Description
C-t j r json-reformat-region Pretty print the currently selected region.
C-t j n r json-navigator-navigate-region Navigate current json region.
C-t j n p json-navigator-navigate-after-point Navigate json after the current point.