
My personal server (docker-compose setup)

Fuzzy76's personal server setup

What is this?

This is the docker-compose setup responsible for my personal server. It isn't pretty and is full of hacks. Don't judge. :)

Folder structure

data_configs contains configuration files for services.

data_env contains .env files for services that require them. Not committed to git.

data_seeded contains folders that are seeded with content, but not committed to github because of their nature:

  • bia_old - An archive of the old website for the game clan Brothers In Arms.
  • coduo - The game folder for the Call of Duty : United Offensive server.
  • thelounge - All data for thelounge. I just migrate the entire folder.
  • ultrastats - A really old statistics software for Call of Duty. Version 0.3.16.

prod.env is a docker environment file. Variables are:

  • mysql_root_password

Service: certbot

Software: https://certbot.eff.org Documentation: https://certbot.eff.org/docs/using.html Image: https://hub.docker.com/r/certbot/certbot

Service: coduo

Software: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Call_of_Duty:_United_Offensive Docker image: https://hub.docker.com/_/debian/

This is a game server for "Call of Duty: United Offensive", an expansion pack for the original Call of Duty released in 2004. It's a 32-bit binary and for some reason will not run on a Mac host (it won't find any pk3 files). The docker image is homemade, and quite frankly a mess. :)

It exposes a handfull of ports (28960, 20500, 20510, 20600, 20610). It does everything in a single, huge mount.

The entrypoint is set to /coduo/start.sh - so make sure you have a shell script there with your launch options.

Game folder setup

First copy the game files of the retail version of the game into the "coduo" folder. The CoD:UO Linux dedicated server README says to copy the files from Setup/Data on disk 1, then the files from the same directory on disk 2. In my case, I found files from a folder called "program files" on the CD instead. But that might have been a custom installer. :) When this is done correctly the "coduo" folder contains "localization.txt", "Main", "uo" among with other folders and files. Important! Rename the folder "Main" to the lower-case "main" before proceeding.

Next, get the Call of Duty United Offensive dedicated Linux server v1.51 large version (I found a copy on http://planetcallofduty.gamespy.com/View6fa9.html?view=CODUOFiles.Detail&id=18). Extract and move the files into the "coduo" folder, overwriting any duplicate files (there are some inside "uo").

Install any mods you'd like (follow their installation instructions).

My config setup involves a main config at uo/dedicateduo.cfg and a mod-specific config at BrothersInArms_mod/awe.cfg.

You can optionally download cod_pb.zip from http://www.callofdutyview.net/downloads/call-of-duty-punkbuster-downloads/ and replace the pb folder in your server install with the one inside the archive. This will require your players to do the same, and if they don't, punkbuster will kick them. Yes, it's a pain. But punkbuster hasn't been updated for years, and it will block more cheaters than the default.

Create a start.sh with something like this:

cd /coduo/
./coduo_lnxded +set gamestartup \"`date +"%D %T"`\" +set com_hunkmegs 512 +set fs_homepath /coduo +set fs_game BrothersInArms_mod +set dedicated 2 +exec awe.cfg +exec dedicateduo.cfg +set net_port 28960

Service: csgo

Software: http://blog.counter-strike.net/ Docker image: https://github.com/CM2Walki/CSGO

Gameserver for Counter Strike : Global Offensive. Should not need an introduction.

Uses an env file for settings. Exposes ports 27015 and 27020 (both tcp and udp). Mounts a data_storage folder for game data.


  • Edit serverconfig and comment out weird defaults, ESL config and change the Steam group id.

Service: mysql

Software: https://www.mysql.com/ Docker image: https://hub.docker.com/_/mysql/

Uses an env file for settings. Mounts a folder for data storage.

Service: nginx

Software: https://nginx.org Docker image: https://hub.docker.com/_/nginx/

Mounts a plethora of folders. Exposes port 80 and 443 for HTTP and HTTPS.

Service: thelounge

Software: https://thelounge.chat Docker image: https://hub.docker.com/r/thelounge/thelounge/

Mounts a folder for storage.

Service: ultrastats

Docker image: https://hub.docker.com/_/php/

A really old statistics software that happens to be the last to support Call of Duty : United Offensive.

Mounts the log file from coduo and its application files.


Før launch

  • databasedump fra ultrastats
  • thelounge produksjonsdata
  • Change mounts to volumes
  • certbot stuff

Etter launch

  • csgo (starter ikke)

  • coduomaps (filer laster ikke)

  • stats.bia.no (white page of death)

  • old.bia.no (http istedenfor https på stilark tipper jeg)

  • ultrastats crontab 0 5 * * * /home/bia/ultrastats/ultrastats-0.3.16/src/contrib/bia_runparser.sh >> /tmp/ultrastats.log 2>&1

  • coduo crontab restart

  • Se om noe fra matilda.fuzzy76.net/~fuzzy76/ skal over

  • crontab certbot renew

  • Test nedlasting av maps i coduo (test også nedlasting av config)

  • Test serveren med en ren ip-request

  • git commit og push

docker-compose run certbot certonly --webroot -w /var/www/bia_old -d old.brothersinarms.no 
docker-compose run certbot certonly --webroot -w /var/www/chat -d chat.fuzzy76.net
docker-compose run certbot certonly --webroot -w /var/www/matilda -d matilda.fuzzy76.net
docker-compose run certbot certonly --webroot -w /var/www/bia_stats -d stats.brothersinarms.no
docker-compose restart nginx