
A lighttpd powered lightweight PHP 7 web server for the Steam Link

Primary LanguageShell


A lighttpd powered lightweight web server for the Steam Link with 100% more PHP!

Could be used for system monitoring pages, web dashboards and so on...

For the version without PHP, have a look at this one!


How To Install

  1. Download the archive and extract it somewhere.
  2. Upload everything inside the "Upload" folder to the steam link's filesystem root via SSH. (Mounted or WinSCP etc...)

First Time Setup

Enable the files to be executed:

chmod 755 /usr/local/sbin/lighttpd && chmod -R 755 /home/steam/php7.3.10/bin && chmod -R 755 /home/steam/php7.3.10/sbin

To Start:

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$PWD/php7.3.10/lib && lighttpd -f /home/steam/http/serve.conf

It will now run as a background process until stopped or until the Steam Link is turned off.

To Stop:

pkill lighttpd

See home/steam/http/serve.conf for a basic configuration example.
Refer to https://redmine.lighttpd.net/projects/1/wiki/TutorialConfiguration for more info.


If you factory reset your Steam Link lighttpd-Link will be removed.
Otherwise you can run the fancy uninstall script.

To unininstall everything, including the "/home/steam/http" folder:

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fuzzymannerz/lighttpd-Link/master/rmLighttpd-Link.sh && chmod +x rmLighttpd-Link.sh && sh rmLighttpd-Link.sh

To just remove all files apart from the "/home/steam/http" folder:

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fuzzymannerz/lighttpd-Link/master/rmLighttpd-Link.sh && chmod +x rmLighttpd-Link.sh && sh rmLighttpd-Link.sh keephttp

Then remove the PHP folder and uninstall file

rm -rf /home/steam/php7.3.10 && rm rmLighttpd-Link.sh