INF554 Project Repository for Team ==Baseline==
Create virtualenv with
$ virtualenv -p python3 venv
Activate it and install depenencies
$ . ./ or $ . ./venv/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Download the data from:
$ kaggle competitions download -c link-prediction-data-challenge-2019
Whenever you install something new, add it with
$ pip freeze > requirements.txt
Running the Notebooks and Files:
Install the necassary libraries.
- Original data files are expected in the main directory.
- Preprocessing.ipynb preprocessing of text data to create created stemmed corpus. Must be run first.
- INF554_Simple.ipynb run after Preprocessing.ipynb, calculates the main graph and text based features.
- INF554_Node2Vec.ipynb run after INF554_Simple.ipynb, calculated node2vec embeddings.
- INF554_Ensemble.ipynb run last. This file created various models and combined their results in a model ensemble to improve performance.
- ./pickles stored the pickles features.