
Tiny but powerfull logging for C++

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


Tiny logging library for C++.


necrolog supports CMake and the standard CMake build procedure:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..


The CMake build compiles the test by default. You can also compile it manually. From withing the tests directory:

cd tests
g++ necro-test.cpp ../libnecrolog/necrolog.cpp -I../include -o necro-test -std=c++11

You can then fiddle with the test binary:

[~/proj/necrolog/tests]$ ./necro-test --help
-lfn, --log-long-file-names
        Log long file names
-d, -v, --verbose [<pattern>]:[D|I|W|E]
        Set files or topics log threshold
        set threshold for all files or topics containing pattern to threshold D|I|W|E
        when pattern is not set, set threshold for any filename or topic
        when threshold is not set, set threshold D (Debug) for all files or topics containing pattern
        when nothing is not set, set threshold D (Debug) for all files or topics
                -d              set threshold D (Debug) for all files or topics
                -d :W           set threshold W (Warning) for all files or topics
                -d foo,bar              set threshold D for all files or topics containing 'foo' or 'bar'
                -d bar:W        set threshold W (Warning) for all files or topics containing 'bar'

Show all the log output:

./necro-test -v
2017-12-22T11:06:52[necro-test.cpp:27]|D| Debug mesage
2017-12-22T11:06:52[necro-test.cpp:28]|I| Info mesage
2017-12-22T11:06:52[necro-test.cpp:29]|W| Warning mesage
2017-12-22T11:06:52[necro-test.cpp:30]|E| Error mesage
2017-12-22T11:06:52[necro-test.cpp:32]|I| args not used by necro log: ./necro-test
2017-12-22T11:06:52[necro-test.cpp:34](foo)|I| Info mesage foo topic
2017-12-22T11:06:52[necro-test.cpp:35](bar)|D| Debug mesage bar topic

Show all the log output with level DEBUG or higher and topic or file name containing 'bar' and with level WARNING or higher and topic or file name containing 'test':

./necro-test -v bar,test:W                                                                                                                                                                   
2017-12-22T11:07:59[necro-test.cpp:29]|W| Warning mesage
2017-12-22T11:07:59[necro-test.cpp:30]|E| Error mesage
2017-12-22T11:07:59[necro-test.cpp:35](bar)|D| Debug mesage bar topic