
0 - Repository - Swagger

1 - Set up .env files regarding .env.example file.

cp .env.example

2 - Start application with Docker.

docker-compose --env-file up --build 

docker-compose --env-file down 

3 - In terminal generate data:

node .\massiveLoad\0-generate.js

This will create these files, please check they are not empty:


Mocha and Chai Tests

1 - In a terminal execute the command.

npm run test

Gatling Tests

1 - Download Gatling.

2 - Extract the files, rename the folder to gatling and put it in C:\ .


3 - Create environment variable.

GATLING_HOME = C:\gatling

4 - Add the variable to path.


5 - In the same terminal run gatling tests.

gatling --run-description AcmeExplorerTest --simulations-folder %TESTS_FOLDER%simulations --resources-folder %TESTS_FOLDER%resources --results-folder %TESTS_FOLDER%results
  • The terminal will ask for an optional run description.

6 - Tests results can be consulted via index.html, wich is inside %TESTS_FOLDER%results.