Globant HTML Style Guide() {

A mostly reasonable approach to HTML

#Work in progress.

HTML quotation marks

When quoting attributes values, use double quotation marks. Use double ("") rather than single quotation marks ('') around attribute values.

  <!-- bad -->
  <a class='maia-button maia-button-secondary'>Sign in</a>

  <!-- good -->
  <a class="maia-button maia-button-secondary">Sign in</a>

Name your content by HTML structural elements.

Never name your content after the visual appearance but after its description. (e.g. prefer "sidebar-container" than "left-container")

    <div id="container">
      <div id="header-container">
        <div class="logo">...</div>
      <div id="content-container">...</div>
      <div id="sidebar-container">...</div>

White Space

Indent using soft tabs set to 2 spaces, don't use hard tabs.

  <div class="container">

HTML Attributes Naming

Name your id & classes after the elements description and not about the visual elements, use .external-link instead of .red-link => what if you change the color of the link? Use hyphen to name your attributes and class.

    <div id="header-container">
      <div id="header-title" class="title">...</div>

Doc Type:

Ensure that all websites use the new HTML5 doctype

  <!doctype html>


All images which are using the tag should use the alt attribute. If not alternative is provided, it is still mandatory to use the alt attribute but with an empty string to comply with accessibility rules.

Meta Tags:

Character set

Ensure that all websites use UTF-8 character sets so that the pages can be read universally

  <meta charset="utf-8">

Mobile / Responsive

Make sure to include a viewport meta tag when building a responsive or mobile dedicated website

  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
