
Simple WebKit2GTK+ Browser

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT


A simple web browser using GTK+ 3, GLib and WebKit2GTK+.


    - A WebKit2 viewport
    - An input box to change the URI or to search the current page
    - Built-in launching of suckless' tabbed
    - Built-in download manager
    - Optimized hotkeys: Left hand on keyboard, right hand on mouse
    - Keyword based searching: Opening "wi foo" will search wikipedia
    - Global content zoom
    - Cooperative instances using FIFOs
    - Certificate trust store
    - Bundled web extensions:
        - Adblock


The following C libraries are required:

    - GTK+ 3
    - WebKit2 API for GTK+ 3

lariza expects to be run on a POSIX-ish operating system.

To build the program and install it to /usr/local:

    $ make
    # make install

To use bundled web extensions, they must be copied or symlinked to the
appropriate path. Please refer to the manpage.


You simply invoke the main program:

    $ lariza

Refer to the manpage for all options.

Background information

 What lariza is and what it's not

  lariza does what I need. It won't do other things. I'm open for pull
  requests but please don't be upset if I turn them down -- which might
  happen if it's a feature that I simply don't need. That being said,
  you should have a look at the PATCHES file. :-)

  Especially, it's very likely that lariza will never have a "follow
  mode" like dwb, luakit or others have. I've used these browsers for
  quite some time and I've also used Firefox extensions that add a
  "follow mode". The point is, "follow mode" doesn't work anymore. This
  was a good thing ten years ago. Today, a lot of websites make heavy
  use of JavaScript or hovering. You NEED some kind of pointing device.
  I found using "follow mode" to be very frustrating today, because you
  still have to reach for the mouse all the time. So, you might as well
  just optimize your mousing workflow.

  lariza does not compete with powerful browsers like dwb or luakit, nor
  with monstrous applications like Firefox or Chromium. lariza won't
  have persistent storage, nor a plugin system, nor cloud sync, nor

  lariza tries not to exceed 1000 lines of code.

 About the name

  "lariza" stems from a german sentence:

      Alle anderen waren mir zu anstrengend.
       l   a         r    i  z  a

  That phrase basically means: "It was too tiresome to deal with any
  other browser." I couldn't find a simple browser that does just what I
  need. Most of them are utterly bloated, others lack essential
  functions. Thus, I was forced to write scripts and tools and stuff to
  deal with these issues. That is what was tiresome. I don't want to
  work around bugs or nonsensical behavior anymore.

  So, I wrote my own browser^W WebKit GUI. WebKit does all the dirty