Your mind tricks don't work on me! May the force be with you!
Akamai TechnologiesSão Paulo/Brazil
Pinned Repositories
This is a demo project for education/training purposes of DevOps. It automates (using Terraform) the provisioning of a static website using the following resources in Akamai Connected Cloud.
This is a demo project to demonstrate how easy is to deploy an application (Web Server) in a K8S multi-cloud cluster (including Akamai Cloud Computing) using Terraform.
We'll show you how easy and fast it is to set up your VPC using Akamai Connected Cloud resources on a global scale.
This a base image to build Docker containers. It's based on Alpine Linux and contains a basic structure and tools for a container.
This a JAVA base image to build Docker containers. It uses the ghcr.io/fvilarinho/base-image and OpenJDK 11.
This project has the intention to demonstrate the basics of a CI/CD pipeline by provisioning a compute instance with Git server (Gitea) and Jenkins in Akamai Connected Cloud with pre-installed tools.
This a base image to backup files locally or remotely. It uses the ghcr.io/fvilarinho/base-image and rsync.
This a base image to backup a relational database. It uses the ghcr.io/fvilarinho/base-image and mariadb-client.
This repository contains the OpenTelemetry Astronomy Shop, a microservice-based distributed system intended to illustrate the implementation of OpenTelemetry in a near real-world environment.
Dockerized version of Edward Wu's SRT Live Server (SLS) and Haivision's SRT SDK All credit should go to the original tool author(s) - this is just a dockerization for convenience and portability.
fvilarinho's Repositories
This project has the intention to demonstrate the how to deploy Grafana Loki in Akamai Cloud Computing.
This a base image to backup files locally or remotely. It uses the ghcr.io/fvilarinho/base-image and rsync.
This a base image to backup a relational database. It uses the ghcr.io/fvilarinho/base-image and mariadb-client.
This a base image to build Docker containers. It's based on Alpine Linux and contains a basic structure and tools for a container.
This a JAVA base image to build Docker containers. It uses the ghcr.io/fvilarinho/base-image and OpenJDK 11.
This a base image that has the goal to store and centralize configurations/settings. It uses the ghcr.io/fvilarinho/base-image and etcd as the main engine.
The main goal of this framework is provide a fast, simple, reliable and standardized way to develop Web Applications. The development was started in 2006 and since then new features and improvements are being released constantly.
This a base image for the usage of a relational database. It uses the ghcr.io/fvilarinho/base-image and mariadb. It also uses flyway to control the versions and states of the schemas.
This a base image for a WEB server to distribute content. It uses the ghcr.io/fvilarinho/base-image and nginx as the main engine. The configurations/settings are defined using the JSON format and stored in the etc directory.
This project has the goal to automate the setup of a OpenVPN Server.
This a base image for a SFTP server to allow upload and store files. It uses the ghcr.io/fvilarinho/base-image and openssh-server as the main engine