MediaServer Playbook

An ansible playbook to install a media streaming server on a Raspberry Pi.

Getting Started

  1. Install ansible on your local machine.
  2. Make sure your Raspberry Pi is reachable via SSH.
  3. Run the playbook with the hosts and tags your want. (Details Below).
    ansible-playbook -i hosts  mediaserver.yml



I tend to use a simple hosts file with the format below

[rpi] ansible_user=pi ansible_become=true

More details can be found in the ansible documentation


There are three tags you can filter in or out details here

  • network: For NAS and redundancy roles and tasks.
  • backup: For redundancy roles and tasks.
  • media: For media server roles and tasks.


NAS Server

A NAS server will be installed to be able to share data over the network.


As a backup mecanimism, the data of the NAS server can be synced to another hard drive.

Media Server

In order to use the data of the NAS server, a Plex server was installed. Once installed, you can configure it at http://<your-ip>:32400/web/

eBooks Server

Since I have a great deal of ebooks, the playbook installs nginx and add a PHP application to display a Calibre library.