
Reproduction for an issue (or feature request) with Kirby 4 rc1

Primary LanguagePHP

Kirby 4rc1 issue with using the DefaultPage model class


Kirby CMS 4 introduces a new optional DefaultPage page model class in site/models/default.php:


This model is used when a page type doesn't have a matching model, e.g. a page of type article without a matching ArticlePage class in site/models/article.php.

An issue arises when one wants to create a specific page model that extends the DefaultPage model:

<?php // site/models/product.php

class ProductPage extends DefaultPage {
	// …

In that case, chances are Kirby will not have included site/models/default.php, and PHP encounter a fatal error:

Uncaught Error: Class "DefaultPage" not found in site/models/aaa.php:3

Steps to reproduce

  1. Download this repository
  2. Install dependencies with composer: composer install
  3. Run the PHP dev server with composer run dev (uses port 8000, you can change it in composer.json)
  4. Open the resulting site (http://localhost:8000 by default) and visit the three test pages.

By default, everything should work, because there is a custom class autoloader registered in public/index.php:

spl_autoload_register(static function ($class) {
	// …

Comment out or remove this function call and try again to reload the home page or any other test page, and you should see the Class "DefaultPage" not found error.