
This repository contains Dockerfile to build FW4SPL dependencies for our supported platforms.

Primary LanguageHaskell

This repository contains Dockerfile to build FW4SPL dependencies for our supported platforms.

Currently you can build images for Mint, Ubuntu and Debian. The image contains a system with all the libraries and tools necessary to build FW4SPL dependencies. Running the container launches the compilation and produces an archive with portable binaries. Last, note that the Dockerfile and the compilation script can simply be used as a source of documentation.

In order to build the image, you must have docker installed on your host computer. Then to build an image, for instance ubuntu 16.04, run something like:

docker build -f ubuntu-16.04/Dockerfile . -t myName/fw4spl-ubuntu-16.04

Then you can build the dependencies by running a container from the previous built image. Note that the source tree is not stored inside the container, so must provide a path on your host system to fill the volume /home/build/deps/src. If the actual source tree is empty, the compilation script will clone everything for you, so if you don't have a existing tree, just provide a new path with write access.

Optionally you can specify the build type with the environment variable BUILD, which is Debug by default. This value will be passed to the CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE variable, so you must provide a valid string like Debug or Release starting with a capital. You can also provide the branch you want to checkout with the environment variable BRANCH (master by default).

docker run -v /home/myName/fw4spl/deps/src:/home/build/deps/src -e BRANCH=dev -e BUILD=Debug -t myName/fw4spl-ubuntu-16.04

At the end, if the build is successful you should see something like:

Run CPack packaging tool...
CPack: Create package using TGZ
CPack: Install projects
CPack: - Run preinstall target for: BinPkgs
CPack: - Install project: BinPkgs
Fix VTK CMake export files...
Fix DCMTK CMake export files...
Fix PCL CMake export files...
CPack: Create package
CPack: - package: /home/build/deps/build/debug/BinPkgs-Debug-11.0.6-Linux.tar.gz generated.

You can then retrieve your packages from your container. First get the name of your container, so list the containers:

# docker ps -a
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                                  COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS                      PORTS               NAMES
0fce25f24df2        fbridault/fw4spl-ubuntu-16.04          "/bin/sh -c 'make -j1"   41 minutes ago      Exited (0) 48 seconds ago                       romantic_mahavira

And then copy your package to some place:

# docker cp romantic_mahavira:/home/build/deps/build/Debug/BinPkgs-Debug-11.0.6-Linux.tar.gz /some/place