Demo setup for a reverse tunnel to a local running service

The idea is to run a frp tunnel server in a kubernetes cluster in the cloud. Then you can establish connections to your local running applications using an ingress service running in the kubernetes cluster. Of course there are other use cases as well.

Deploy the server

kubernetes apply -k server

Start a local client

Find the IP of the kubernetes service to connect to from your frp client:

export FRP_SERVER_ADDR=`kubectl get -n frps svc/frps -o json | jq -r '.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip'`
export FRP_SERVER_PORT=`kubectl get -n frps svc/frps -o json | jq '.spec.ports[]|select(.name=="frps").port'`

Start the local service:

docker compose up -d

Test the tunnel

Create a pod in the frps namespace and call the local running echo service through the tunnel:

kubectl run -it --rm=True --restart=Never -n frps --image curlimages/curl curlpod -- \
  curl -H "Host:" http://http-tunnel-proxy:8080