
sparse file detection

Primary LanguagePython

fs-sparse: a wrapper to check sparse file

Generate test files

Using scripts provided in test/create_test_file.sh, it will generate two files:

  • normal.dat with no holes;
  • sparse.dat with holes.


The interface exposes three functions, see example below. Note that if a file has no holes, the # of extents (or tuple) will be 1.

In [1]: import sparse

In [2]: sparse.get_extents("test/sparse.dat")
Out[2]: [(0, 8192), (28672, 36864), (40960, 45056)]

In [3]: sparse.get_extents("test/normal.dat")
Out[3]: [(0, 8192)]

In [4]: sparse.is_sparse("test/normal.dat")
Out[4]: False

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