

Primary LanguageJava

Original (Buggy) benchmark.

Updated faster java benchmark.

C Benchmark (And the original slow Java version, plus a few others)

Dart benchmark

Results, allowing enough iterations for the VM's to warm up.
gcc -O3   1x
JVM       1.2x
DartVM    1.3x
V8        1.6x
gcc       2.5x

Comments on other aspects of the benchmark:

The DartVM uses more memory than V8, and less than the JVM. Dart and V8 start
up faster than the JVM (Not much of a surprise there). However interestingly,
V8 appears to startup measurably faster than the DartVM. When testing a single
iteration, V8 consistently takes ~10ms to start the benchmark, and ~20ms to
execute it, versus Dart, which takes ~30ms to start, and also ~20 to execute.

Using a script snapshot had no measurable impact on start up time. This
probably reflects the small size of the benchmark, which doesn't use much, if
any (excluding List) of the standard library code.

At a wild guess, I'd say the start up time difference is due to Dart having a
larger standard library, thus a larger initial snapshot, which takes a little
longer to copy into memory. For usage in browsers, this 20ms headstart is
likely irrelevant as the VM can be already be started before the first code is

It would be nice to see some start up benchmarks using larger applications, so
that improved start up time vs V8, can be evaluated. Perhaps using a large Dart
application, built with dart2js, running on V8, and comparing against the start
up time on the Dart VM is the way to go?

java version "1.6.0_26"
gcc version 4.6.3 (Ubuntu/Linaro 4.6.3-1ubuntu5) 
V8 version
Dart VM version: (Tue Mar 19 23:33:54 2013)

DeltaBlue	Java		10x	9.3 ms
DeltaBlue	Java		100x	2.96 ms
DeltaBlue	Java		1000x	0.898 ms
DeltaBlue	Java		10000x	0.5229 ms
DeltaBlue	Java		100000x	0.48908 ms

DeltaBlue	C	gcc	10x	0ms
DeltaBlue	C	gcc	100x	1ms
DeltaBlue	C	gcc	1000x	0.98ms
DeltaBlue	C	gcc	10000x	0.993ms
DeltaBlue	C	gcc	100000x	0.9927ms

DeltaBlue	C	gcc -O3	10x	0ms
DeltaBlue	C	gcc -O3	100x	0.4ms
DeltaBlue	C	gcc -O3	1000x	0.39ms
DeltaBlue	C	gcc -O3	10000x	0.416ms
DeltaBlue	C	gcc -O3	100000x	0.3936ms

DeltaBlue	d8		10x	4.1ms
DeltaBlue	d8		100x	1.16ms
DeltaBlue	d8		1000x	0.729ms
DeltaBlue	d8		10000x	0.6636ms
DeltaBlue	d8		100000x	0.65464ms

DeltaBlue	Dart		10x	5.9ms
DeltaBlue	Dart		100x	1.24ms
DeltaBlue	Dart		1000x	0.636ms
DeltaBlue	Dart		10000x	0.536ms
DeltaBlue	Dart		100000x	0.55263ms