
Google App Sheet & App Script POS Project using both Twilio & Stripe to send customer text messages with invoices on order.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Stripe and Twilio Integration for Google Apps Script

This project integrates Stripe and Twilio with Google Apps Script to manage customer data, create invoices, and send SMS notifications.


  • Manage customer data with Stripe.
  • Create and finalize invoices with Stripe.
  • Send SMS notifications with Twilio.
  • Structured error handling and logging.


  • Google Apps Script account.
  • Stripe account with API keys.
  • Twilio account with API keys and phone number.


Clone the Repository

  1. Open your Google Apps Script project.
  2. Create the following files and copy the corresponding code from this repository:
    • Config.gs
    • API.gs
    • Logger.gs
    • Validator.gs
    • BaseService.gs
    • CustomerService.gs
    • InvoiceService.gs
    • MessageService.gs
    • Injector.gs
    • OrderHandler.gs

Config File

Create a Config.gs file and add your Stripe and Twilio credentials:

const Config = {
	STRIPE_API_KEY:      "sk_test_your_stripe_api_key",
	BASE_STRIPE_URL:     "https://api.stripe.com/v1/",
	TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID:  "your_twilio_account_sid",
	TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN:   "your_twilio_auth_token",
	TWILIO_PHONE_NUMBER: "+your_twilio_phone_number",
	BASE_TWILIO_URL:     "https://api.twilio.com/2010-04-01/Accounts/your_twilio_account_sid"

Injector Setup

Create an Injector.gs file to manage dependencies:

function setupInjector () {
	const injector = new Injector();
	injector.register( 'Logger', () => new Logger() );
	injector.register( 'Validator', () => new ValidationUtility() );
	injector.register( 'API', ( injector ) => {
		const config = {
			apiKey:  Config.STRIPE_API_KEY,
			baseUrl: Config.BASE_STRIPE_URL,
		const logger = injector.get( 'Logger' );
		return new API( config, logger );
	} );
	injector.register( 'CustomerService', ( injector ) => {
		const api = injector.get( 'API' );
		const validator = injector.get( 'Validator' );
		const logger = injector.get( 'Logger' );
		return new CustomerService( api, validator, logger );
	} );
	injector.register( 'InvoiceService', ( injector ) => {
		const api = injector.get( 'API' );
		const validator = injector.get( 'Validator' );
		const logger = injector.get( 'Logger' );
		return new InvoiceService( api, validator, logger );
	} );
	injector.register( 'MessageService', ( injector ) => {
		const config = {
			apiKey:     Config.TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN,
			baseUrl:    Config.BASE_TWILIO_URL,
			accountSid: Config.TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID
		const api = new API( config, injector.get( 'Logger' ) );
		const validator = injector.get( 'Validator' );
		const logger = injector.get( 'Logger' );
		return new MessageService( api, validator, logger );
	} );
	return injector;

// Initialize the injector
const injector = setupInjector();


Finding or Creating a Customer

Use the findOrCreateCustomer function to find or create a customer by email:

 * Function to find or create a customer by email.
 * @param {string} email - The email of the customer.
 * @param {string} name - The name of the customer.
 * @param {string} phoneNumber - The phone number of the customer.
 * @param {string} address - The address of the customer.
 * @returns {string} The customer ID.
 * @throws {Error} If the customer ID cannot be retrieved or created.
async function findOrCreateCustomer ( email, name, phoneNumber, address ) {
	const customerService = injector.get( "CustomerService" );
	const customerData = {
		email:                  email,
		name:                   name,
		phone:                  phoneNumber,
		'address[line1]':       address.split( ',' )[0],
		'address[city]':        address.split( ',' )[1].trim(),
		'address[state]':       address.split( ',' )[2].trim().split( ' ' )[0],
		'address[postal_code]': address.split( ',' )[2].trim().split( ' ' )[1]
	const customer = await customerService.getOrCreateByEmail( email, customerData );
	if ( customer && customer.id ) {
		return customer.id;
	} else {
		throw new Error( "Failed to retrieve or create customer ID" );

Creating an Invoice

Use the createInvoice function to create an invoice for a customer:

 * Function to create an invoice for a customer with order items.
 * @param {string} customerId - The ID of the customer.
 * @param {Array<Object>} orderItems - The order items with names and prices.
 * @returns {Object} An object containing the invoice ID and invoice link.
 * @throws {Error} If the invoice cannot be created.
async function createInvoice ( customerId, orderItems ) {
	const invoiceService = injector.get( "InvoiceService" );
	try {
		// Create the invoice first
		const invoiceData = {
			customer:     customerId,
			auto_advance: false  // Do not auto-finalize the invoice
		const invoiceResponse = await invoiceService.create( invoiceData );
		console.log( "Create Invoice successful:", invoiceResponse );
		if ( !invoiceResponse.id ) {
			throw new Error( "Failed to create invoice" );
		// Create invoice items for each order item
		for ( const item of orderItems ) {
			const invoiceItemData = {
				customer:    customerId,
				amount:      item.price,
				currency:    "usd",
				description: item.name,
				invoice:     invoiceResponse.id // Link the item directly to the invoice
			const invoiceItemResponse = await invoiceService.createInvoiceItem( invoiceItemData );
			console.log( "Create Invoice Item successful:", invoiceItemResponse );
		// Finalize the invoice
		const finalizedInvoiceResponse = await invoiceService.finalizeInvoice( invoiceResponse.id );
		console.log( "Finalize Invoice successful:", finalizedInvoiceResponse );
		if ( !finalizedInvoiceResponse.hosted_invoice_url ) {
			throw new Error( "Failed to finalize invoice" );
		return {
			invoiceId:   finalizedInvoiceResponse.id,
			invoiceLink: finalizedInvoiceResponse.hosted_invoice_url
	} catch ( error ) {
		console.log( `Error in createInvoice: ${ error.message }` );
		throw error;

Testing the Integration

Use the testFindOrCreateCustomer function to test the customer creation process:

 * Function to test the findOrCreateCustomer function with dummy data.
 * It initializes necessary data and calls the findOrCreateCustomer function.
async function testFindOrCreateCustomer () {
	const email = "testingfour6@example.com";
	const name = "John Doe";
	const phoneNumber = "+18016473470";
	const address = "123 Test St, Test City, TX 12345";
	try {
		const customerId = await findOrCreateCustomer( email, name, phoneNumber, address );
		console.log( "Test completed successfully:" );
		console.log( "Customer ID: " + customerId );
	} catch ( error ) {
		console.log( "Test failed:" );
		console.log( error.message );
		console.log( error.stack );

// Run the test