- anishmenon@Nexhe
- blobitty@Brick-Creative-Studio
- boardendETH Zurich | Institute of Cartography and Geoinformation
- cpstrommenMinnesota, US
- deniskolosov
- derzw3rg
- doodlebroDenver
- draft6SMG Swiss Marketplace Group
- dszakallas@portworx @ldbc
- eatsleepraverepeat
- elziiPreviously @Netflix, now @Ford
- epetousisShea Security
- fayaaz
- froggericCanary Islands
- geofflikesmusic
- goudreinetteArnhem, The Netherlands
- gyulalaszloStarSchema
- iseanstevensSF
- jesusprubio@trebellar
- JOJ0@joalla @beetbox
- jschmdtHamburg, Germany
- mebs933
- melonjackStark Ind.
- merspir
- mpilonkunaPretoria
- MuaiyadTSB
- nagualcode
- npes-95
- nv0skarSeville
- Pe13
- petardBerlin
- plashchynskiMinsk, Belarus
- realdiegopoptartUnited States
- tuanductran@vnodesign
- vitalibondarKyiv, Ukraine