If you have a blueprint project continue with step 1. If you have a Cpp project, continue with step 5.
- Open your Blueprint project in UE4
- File > New C++ Class > Add empty class
- Visual Studio should open. You now have a BP/C++ Project.
- Close Unreal Editor
- If you don't have one, create a folder called "Plugin" in your project directory (where your content folder is located). If you have one, go to step 10.
- Checkout the project (or download the release) and copy the plugin to this folder
- Right-click on your *.uproject file and generate Visual Studio Project files.
- Open Visual Studio
- Confirm that there is no plugin folder.
- Go to your uproject file
- Right-click -> Generate Visual Studio Project Files
- Reload solution in Visual Studio
- Confirm that there is a plugin folder.
- Open the file [projectname].Build.cs (not the one in the plugin folder.)
- Add the line "SideBySidePlugin" to the private modules or add the line: PrivateDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string[] { "SideBySidePlugin" });
- Save
- Rebuild your project/game
- Start your project in Visual Studio via "Launch via Local Debugger".
- If you get asked to build some modules, do it.
- Close Unreal Editor.
- You can now open the game via the Launcher or the uproject file.
- In the file DefaultEngine.ini in the Config folder of your project, look for the heading: "[/Script/Engine.Engine]"
- In this section, add "GameEngine=/Script/SideBySidePlugin.StereoRendering.CustomGameEngine" (without quotes)
- You might need to set the CharacterCamera of the Side-By-Side actor in your Level blueprint to the camera of your Pawn.
- Don't forget to enable the input for the Side-By-Side_BP :)
When you start your app next time in Standalone Mode, it should be side-by-side. Packaging your game should work as well.
Restart after updating DefaultInput.ini!
+ActionMappings=(ActionName="EyeOffset",Key=One,bShift=False,bCtrl=False,bAlt=True,bCmd=False) +ActionMappings=(ActionName="ProjectionOffset",Key=Two,bShift=False,bCtrl=False,bAlt=True,bCmd=False) +ActionMappings=(ActionName="Reset",Key=Three,bShift=False,bCtrl=False,bAlt=True,bCmd=False) +ActionMappings=(ActionName="Show Debug Messages",Key=Four,bShift=False,bCtrl=False,bAlt=True,bCmd=False) +ActionMappings=(ActionName="Default 1",Key=Five,bShift=False,bCtrl=False,bAlt=True,bCmd=False) +ActionMappings=(ActionName="Default 2",Key=Six,bShift=False,bCtrl=False,bAlt=True,bCmd=False) +ActionMappings=(ActionName="IncFOV",Key=Hyphen,bShift=False,bCtrl=False,bAlt=True,bCmd=False) +ActionMappings=(ActionName="DecFOV",Key=+,bShift=False,bCtrl=False,bAlt=True,bCmd=False) +ActionMappings=(ActionName="Toggle Stereo",Key=Seven,bShift=False,bCtrl=False,bAlt=True,bCmd=False)
28.11.2017: Tested on 4.18.1 with FirstPerson Blueprint template. 24.01.2018: Tested on 4.18.3