
Repo containing some PGP experiments.

Primary LanguageJava


Repo containing some PGP experiments.

Goal of this work is to build simple to use OpenPGP encrypt/decrypt routines that work entirely off of InputStreams and OutputStreams for keys, clear text, and cipher text.

Of course, inter-operability with OpenPGP and GPG is a given.

Using InputStreams is important to abstract away where the PGP public and private keys come from. Also, it will abstract away where clear text or cipher text comes from or is written to.

Key InputStream

A key InputStream will just be a single key, public or private. It won't be a key ring containing multiple keys.

PGP key InputStream would be a stream over key data that comes of a gpg style export key operation. For example, the following gpg command:

gpg --export  --armour <userid>   > public-key.asc

would store a public key into a file. An InputStream over this file could then be used.


Initial decrypt support does equivalent of:

gpg --decrypt --user <userid>  EncryptedMessageToUserID.gpg 


Initial encrypt support does equivalent of:

gpg --encrypt --output EncryptedMessageForUserId.gpg --recipient <userid>  clear-message-to-userid.txt

Additional Stuff & Features

Add in support for signed encryption like:

gpg --encrypt --sign --output encrypted-to-recip-userid.pgp --local-user <userid> --recipient <recip-userid> clear-text.txt

Add in support to decrypt with signature verification.

gpg --decrypt --output cleartext-out.txt -local-user <user-id> encrypted-file-to-userid.pgp

NOTE: the above, using GP, will verify signature automatically, if the inbound cipher text is signed.

CLI (for simple testing)

Some examples of how the test cli works:

#Simple decrypt
java -jar build/libs/pgptools-all.jar --decrypt  --input-file src/integrationTest/resources/EncryptedMessageToLukeSkywalker.pgp  --output-file /tmp/message.txt --key src/integrationTest/resources/LukeSkywalker.private-key.asc --passphrase skywalker 

#Simple encrypt
java -jar build/libs/pgptools-all.jar --encrypt --input-file src/integrationTest/resources/message-from-dv-to-ls.txt  --output-file /tmp/response.pgp --key src/integrationTest/resources/LukeSkywalker.public-key.asc  

Link for Reference