
stdlib Google Custom Search Engine microservices

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Microservice for Google Custom Search Engine (Developer guide)


  • args
    • None
  • kwargs
    • --q The search query
    • --cx The custom search engine ID
    • --key Google API Key
    • [--num 10] Number of search results to return (1 - 10, inclusive)
    • [--start 1] The index of the first result to return
    • [--sites] Comma separated list of domains to search
    • [--fields ] items(cacheId,displayLink,formattedUrl,htmlFormattedUrl,htmlSnippet,htmlTitle,image,link,pagemap,title),promotions
    • [--gl us] Geolocation of end user. Two character country code

Example - Search specific retailers for a product

f francis/googlecse --q "Cool Mist Humidifier type:product" --cx [cx] --key [key] --sites bedbathandbeyond.com,crane-usa.com