Cache your data with TTL. Using this package in node.js and browser.
By npm
npm install cache-bucket
Or by yarn
yarn add cache-bucket
FileCache and MemoryCache is enable.
Notice that CacheFile will touch a file as storage. The default file path is: ./.filecache
// Based on file
import {cache} from 'cache-bucket/file-cache';
// Based on memory
import {cache} from 'cache-bucket/memory-cache';
LocalCache and SessionCache and MemoryCache is enable.
Notice that LocalCache is based on localStorage, and SessionCache is based on sessionStorage.
// Based on memory
import {cache} from 'cache-bucket/memory-cache';
// Based on localStorage
import {cache} from 'cache-bucket/local-cache';
// Based on sessionStorage
import {cache} from 'cache-bucket/session-cache';
get(key: string, defaultValue?: any) => any
Get your cache by key.
If cache is empty, defaultValue will be used. If parameter defaultValue is missing, method will respond null
cache.get('foo'); // null
cache.get('foo', 'default-bar'); // default-bar
set(key: string, value: any, duration?: number) => void
Set cache data.
The parameter value
type can be string, number, object, array. Cache data will expired after millSeconds when you provide duration.
cache.set('foo', 'bar');
cache.set('obj', {pkg: 'cache-bucket'});
// Expired after 3 second.
cache.set('array', ['cache', 'bucket'], 3000);
getOrSet(key: string, onEmpty: () => any, duration?: number) => any
Get cache data.
When cache data is missing, method will set data immediately. And then return it.
cache.getOrSet('foo', () => {
return 'bar';
}); // bar
add(key: string, value: any, duration?: number) => boolean
Set cache data when key is not exist.
cache.add('foo', 'bar'); // true
cache.add('foo', 'new-bar'); // false
remove(key: string) => void
Delete a cache data.
clearExpired() => void
Clear all expired cache data
clearAll() => void
Clear all data.
Multiply instances.
import {MemoryCache} from 'cache-bucket/memory-cache';
const cache = new MemoryCache();
cache.set('foo', 'bar');
cache.get('foo'); // bar
import {FileCache} from 'cache-bucket/file-cache';
const cache = new FileCache('./.new-cachefile');
cache.set('foo', 'bar');
cache.get('foo'); // bar
You can choose the file you want to put data when Using FileCache. Just creating config file cache-bucekt.json
in project's root directory.
"defaultFilePath": "./.custom-cache-file"