
POSIX sh script utility for managing docker container

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

Docker utility script

This is simple POSIX script for managing docker container, just like docker-compose for single container, but more powerful.

Because this is POSIX shell script, the possibility is limitless.

This approach is inspired by openrc from gentoo, ebuild from gentoo, PKGBUILD from archlinux, and APKBUILD from alpine.

This script is written with POSIX shell standard, so it will work with bash, ash, dash or any shell that follow POSIX standard.

How to install

To install in default location (/usr/local/bin/docker.sh)

curl -sSLf https://raw.githubusercontent.com/payfazz/docker-sh/master/install.sh | sudo sh

or to custom location, e.g. /opt/bin/docker.sh

curl -sSLf https://raw.githubusercontent.com/payfazz/docker-sh/master/install.sh | sudo sh -s - /opt/bin/docker.sh

How to use it

docker.sh will be used as interpreter, you need to install it in your PATH e.g. by copy docker.sh file to /usr/local/bin (install.sh will do this for you)

see full documentation for more.

Getting Started

Lets say you want to start wordpress project, using mariadb as database.

mkdir my-project
cd my-project

we need to create two spec file, unlike docker-compose, one spec file is used to control one container, so we need to create two files

create file wordpress with following content:

#!/usr/bin/env docker.sh

  -p 8080:80
  -v wordpress-data:/var/www/html
  -e WORDPRESS_DB_HOST=mariadb

create file mariadb with following content:

#!/usr/bin/env docker.sh

  -v mariadb-data:/var/lib/mysql

Please note that wordpress and mariadb must have same net value so each container can communicate

then, make those two file executable by running

chmod +x wordpress mariadb

and start the the container by running:

./mariadb start
./wordpress start

and done. You can access wordpress on http://localhost:8080

Use it with ansible

We also provide ansible module for this script, see inside ansible_module directory.


  • Automated testing