
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Machine Learning in Practice

Source code for the practical Seminar "Machine Learning in Practice", taught at Osnabrück University in the winter term 2021/2022 at the Insitute of Cognitive Science.

As data source, we use the "Data Science Tweets 2010-2021" data set (version 3) by Ruchi Bhatia from Kaggle. The goal of our example project is to predict which tweets will go viral, i.e., receive many likes and retweets.

Virtual Environment

In order to install all necessary dependencies, please make sure that you have a local Conda distribution (e.g., Anaconda or miniconda) installed. Begin by creating a new environment called "MLinPractice" that has Python 3.6 installed:

conda create -y -q --name MLinPractice python=3.6

You can enter this environment with conda activate MLinPractice (or source activate MLinPractice, if the former does not work). You can leave it with conda deactivate (or source deactivate, if the former does not work). Enter the environment and execute the following commands in order to install the necessary dependencies (this may take a while):

conda install -y -q -c conda-forge scikit-learn=0.24.2
conda install -y -q -c conda-forge matplotlib=3.3.4
conda install -y -q -c conda-forge nltk=3.6.3
conda install -y -q -c conda-forge gensim=4.1.2
conda install -y -q -c conda-forge spyder=5.1.5
conda install -y -q -c conda-forge pandas=1.1.5
conda install -y -q -c conda-forge mlflow=1.20.2
conda install -c conda-forge tweepy

You can double-check that all of these packages have been installed by running conda list inside of your virtual environment. The Spyder IDE can be started by typing ~/miniconda/envs/MLinPractice/bin/spyder in your terminal window (assuming you use miniconda, which is installed right in your home directory).

In order to save some space on your local machine, you can run conda clean -y -q --all afterwards to remove any temporary files.

The installed libraries are used for machine learning (scikit-learn), visualizations (matplotlib), NLP (nltk), word embeddings (gensim), and IDE (spyder), and data handling (pandas)

Overall Pipeline

The overall pipeline can be executed with the script code/pipeline.sh, which executes all of the following shell scripts:

  • The script code/load_data.sh downloads the raw csv files containing the tweets and their metadata. They are stored in the folder data/raw/ (which will be created if it does not yet exist).
  • The script code/preprocessing.sh executes all necessary preprocessing steps, including a creation of labels and splitting the data set.
  • The script code/feature_extraction.sh takes care of feature extraction.
  • The script code/dimensionality_reduction.sh takes care of dimensionality reduction.
  • The script code/classification.sh takes care of training and evaluating a classifier.
  • The script code/application.sh launches the application example.

In addition an test script was introduced, for automating test execution:

  • The script test/run_tests.sh collects and run all unit tests under the /test folder


All python scripts and classes for the preprocessing of the input data can be found in code/preprocessing/.

Creating Labels

The script create_labels.py assigns labels to the raw data points based on a threshold on a linear combination of the number of likes and retweets. It is executed as follows: python -m code.preprocessing.create_labels path/to/input_dir path/to/output.csv Here, input_dir is the directory containing the original raw csv files, while output.csv is the single csv file where the output will be written. The script takes the following optional parameters:

  • -l or --likes_weight determines the relative weight of the number of likes a tweet has received. Defaults to 1.
  • -r or --retweet_weight determines the relative weight of the number of retweets a tweet has received. Defaults to 1.
  • -t or --threshold determines the threshold a data point needs to surpass in order to count as a "viral" tweet. Defaults to 50.

Classical Preprocessing

The script run_preprocessing.py is used to run various preprocessing steps on the raw data, producing additional columns in the csv file. It is executed as follows: python -m code.preprocessing.run_preprocessing path/to/input.csv path/to/output.csv Here, input.csv is a csv file (ideally the output of create_labels.py), while output.csv is the csv file where the output will be written. The preprocessing steps to take can be configured with the following flags:

  • -p or --punctuation: A new column with suffix "_tokenized" is created, where all punctuation is removed from the original tweet. (See code/preprocessing/punctuation_remover.py for more details)
  • -t or --tokenize: Tokenize the given column (can be specified by --tokenize_input, default = "tweet"), and create new column with suffix "_tokenized" containing tokenized tweet.
  • -l or --filter_english: Filters out tweets marked as english 'en' before applying general preprocessing steps. This is option is by default activated.
  • -s or --stem: Applies stemming on the tweets. Requires the tweet to be tokenized. This option is by default active. (See code/preprocessing/stemmer.py for more details)
  • -lcor --lower_case: Lower cases all words within a tweet. This option is by default active. (See code/preprocessing/lower_caser.py for more details)
  • -swr or --stop_word_removal: Removes stop words from all tweets. Requires the tweet to be stemmed. This option by default activated. (See code/preprocessing/stop_word_remover.py for more details)
  • -feu or --filter_emojis_urls: Removes all emojis and urls from the tweets. Requires the tweet be punctuation freed. This option by default activated. (See code/preprocessing/emoji_url_remover.py for more details)
  • -ee or --extract_emojis: Extract all emojis from the tweet.
  • For the column names produced during the different steps, please refer to the code.util.py where all names are stored.

The overall default order of preprocessing the tweets is:

--filter_english > --lower_case > --punctuation > --filter_emojis_urls > --tokenize > --stem > --stop_word_removal

Moreover, the script accepts the following optional parameters:

  • -e or --export gives the path to a pickle file where an sklearn pipeline of the different preprocessing steps will be stored for later usage.

Further, in under test/preprocessing/ all unit tests for the preprocessor can be found.

Splitting the Data Set

The script split_data.py splits the overall preprocessed data into training, validation, and test set. It can be invoked as follows: python -m code.preprocessing.split_data path/to/input.csv path/to/output_dir Here, input.csv is the input csv file to split (containing a column "label" with the label information, i.e., create_labels.py needs to be run beforehand) and output_dir is the directory where three individual csv files training.csv, validation.csv, and test.csv will be stored. The script takes the following optional parameters:

  • -t or --test_size determines the relative size of the test set and defaults to 0.2 (i.e., 20 % of the data).
  • -v or --validation_size determines the relative size of the validation set and defaults to 0.2 (i.e., 20 % of the data).
  • -s or --seed determines the seed for initializing the random number generator used for creating the randomized split. Using the same seed across multiple runs ensures that the same split is generated. If no seed is set, the current system time will be used.

Feature Extraction

All python scripts and classes for feature extraction can be found in code/feature_extraction/.

The script extract_features.py takes care of the overall feature extraction process and can be invoked as follows: python -m code.feature_extraction.extract_features path/to/input.csv path/to/output.pickle Here, input.csv is the respective training, validation, or test set file created by split_data.py. The file output.pickle will be used to store the results of the feature extraction process, namely a dictionary with the following entries:

  • "features": a numpy array with the raw feature values (rows are training examples, columns are features)
  • "feature_names": a list of feature names for the columns of the numpy array
  • "labels": a numpy array containing the target labels for the feature vectors (rows are training examples, only column is the label)

The features to be extracted can be configured with the following optional parameters: For the name constants of the original data please refer to the code/util.py.

  • -c or --char_length: Count the number of characters in the "tweet" column of the data frame. (see code/feature_extraction/character_length.py)
  • -ht or --number_of_hastags: Computes the number of hashtags based on the based on the original COLUMN_HASHTAG. (see code/feature_extraction/number_of_hashtags.py)
  • -url or --number_of_urls: Computes the number of urls based on the original COLUMN_URLS. (see code/feature_extraction/number_of_urls.py)
  • -dt or --datetime: Computes the unix-datetime of the post based on the COLUMN_DATE and COLUMN_TIME. (see code/feature_extraction/datetime.py)
  • -hr or --hour: Computes the one-hot-encoded 3-hour intervals based on the COLUMN_TIME. This option creates one column for each one-hot-encoded 3-h interval (in total: 8 columns). (see code/feature_extraction/hour.py)
  • -mo or --month: Computes the one-hot-encoded 12-month categories based on the COLUMN_DATE. This option creates one column for each month (in total: 12) (see code/feature_extraction/month.py)
  • -wd or --weekday: Computes the one-hot-encoded 7-weekday categories based on the COLUMN_DATE. This option creates one column per weekday (in total: 7) (see code/feature_extraction/weekday.py)
  • -w or --number_of_words: Computes the number of (content) words from the preprocessed tweet.
  • -f or --follower: compute the amount of followers for each user. To reduce stress on the twitter API the follower counts are collected in the file "id_to_follower". To identify other Users than the ones used in the trainig data you need the access-data for using twitters api. (see code/feature_extraction/follower_count.py)
  • -ch or --has_most_common_hashtags: check whether the tweet has the top n most used hashtags. Default n=20. To define n, use this --has_most_common_hashtags 1 for n = 1). This creates n columns, one for each of the n most commonly used hashtag (see code/feature_extraction/has_most_common_hashtags.py)
  • -ce or --has_most_common_emojis: check whether the tweet has the top n most used emojis. Default n=20. To define n, use this --has_most_common_emojis 1 for n = 1). This creates n columns, one for each of the n most commonly used emoji (see code/feature_extraction/has_most_common_emojis.py)
  • -cw or --has_most_common_words: check whether the tweet has the top n most used words. Default n=10. To define n, use this --has_most_common_words 1 or -cw 1 for n = 1). This creates n columns, one for each of the n most commonly used words (see code/feature_extraction/has_most_common_words.py)
  • --photo: check whether the tweet contains photos.
  • -s or --sentiment: compute the sentiment of the tweet using nltk.vader

Moreover, the script support importing and exporting fitted feature extractors with the following optional arguments:

  • -i or --import_file: Load a configured and fitted feature extraction from the given pickle file. Ignore all parameters that configure the features to extract.
  • -e or --export_file: Export the configured and fitted feature extraction into the given pickle file.

Further, all feature extraction unit tests are located under test/feature_extraction/.

Dimensionality Reduction

All python scripts and classes for dimensionality reduction can be found in code/dimensionality_reduction/.

The script reduce_dimensionality.py takes care of the overall dimensionality reduction procedure and can be invoked as follows:

python -m code.dimensionality_reduction.reduce_dimensionality path/to/input.pickle path/to/output.pickle Here, input.pickle is the respective training, validation, or test set file created by extract_features.py. The file output.pickle will be used to store the results of the dimensionality reduction process, containing "features" (which are the selected/projected ones) and "labels" (same as in the input file).

The dimensionality reduction method to be applied can be configured with the following optional parameters:

  • -m or --mutual_information: Select the k best features (where k is given as argument) with the Mutual Information criterion (see code/dimensionality_reduction/select_k_best_reducer.py)
  • --pca: Performs Principle Component Analysis in an automated way by reducing the dimensionality to n components, where n is calculated based on the cumulative explained variance ratio. The PCA_EXPLAINED_VARIANCE_THRESHOLD (see code/util.py) is currently at 95% of explained variance. (see code/dimensionality_reduction/pca_reducer.py)
  • --rfe: Performs Recursive Feature Elimination (RFE) selecting the n best features (where n is given as argument). The default option uses the Decision Tree Classifier.
  • -rfe_rfc or --rfe_random_forest_classifier: Optional RFE parameter to perform RFE with the random forest classifier. This option requires the --rfe option to be active.

Moreover, the script support importing and exporting fitted dimensionality reduction techniques with the following optional arguments:

  • -i or --import_file: Load a configured and fitted dimensionality reduction technique from the given pickle file. Ignore all parameters that configure the dimensionality reduction technique.
  • -e or --export_file: Export the configured and fitted dimensionality reduction technique into the given pickle file.

Finally, if the flag --verbose is set, the script outputs some additional information about the dimensionality reduction process.


All python scripts and classes for classification can be found in code/classification/.

Train and Evaluate a Single Classifier

The script run_classifier.py can be used to train and/or evaluate a given classifier. It can be executed as follows: python -m code.classification.run_classifier path/to/input.pickle Here, input.pickle is a pickle file of the respective data subset, produced by either extract_features.py or reduce_dimensionality.py.

By default, this data is used to train a classifier, which is specified by one of the following optional arguments:

  • -m or --majority: Majority vote classifier that always predicts the majority class.
  • -f or --frequency: Dummy classifier that makes predictions based on the label frequency in the training data.
  • -mc or --minority: Minority vote classifier (implement with a constant Dummy classifier) that always predicts the minority class.
  • --knn: KNN classifier with a specificied k (e.g. --knn 1 for k = 1)
  • --dtc: Decision Tree Classifier with default configuration criterion = "gini", splitter = "best", max_depth = None.
  • --dtc_max_depth: Optional DTC parameter option for configuring the max depth (e.g. --dtc --dtc_max_depth 10) (default is None). Requires --dtc option to be active.
  • --dtc_criterion_entropy: Optional DTC parameter option for using the entropy criterion instead of the default "gini". Requires --dtc option to be active.
  • --dtc_splitter_random: Optional DTC parameter option for using the random splitter instead of the default "best". Requires --dtc option to be active.
  • --rfc: Random Forest Classifier with deault configuration criterion = "gini", max_depth = None, bootstrap = True, n_estimators = 100`.
  • --rfc_criterion_entropy: Optional RFC parameter option for using the entropy criterion instead of the default "gini". Requires --rfc option to be active.
  • --rfc_max_depth: Optional RFC parameter option for configuring the max depth (e.g. --rfc --rfc_max_depth 10) (default is None). Requires --rfc option to be active.
  • --rfc_no_bootstrap: Optional RFC parameter option for configuring the bootstrapping option (default is using bootstrapping). Requires --rfc option to be active.
  • --rfc_n_estimators: Optional RFC parameter option for configuring the number of estimators (trees) in the forest (e.g. --rfc --rfc_n_estimators 10) (default is 100). Requires --rfc option to be active.
  • --class_weight_balanced: Optional RFC and DTC parameter option for using the class_weight = 'balanced' option of a classifier, if available.
  • -cnb or --complement_naive_bayes,: A naive bayes classifier, especially good with imbalanced data. Described in Rennie et al. (2003).
  • -cnb_a or --complement_naive_bayes_alpha: Optional CNB parameter. Additive (Laplace/Lidstone) smoothing parameter (0 for no smoothing)
  • -cnb_fp or --complement_naive_bayes_fit_prior: Optional CNB parameter. Only used in edge case with a single class in the training set.
  • -cnb_bn or --complement_naive_bayes_norm: Optional CNB parameter. Whether or not a second normalization of the weights is performed. The default behavior mirrors the implementations found in Mahout and Weka, which do not follow the full algorithm described in Table 9 of the paper.
  • --svc: A support vector classifier with default parameter configuration C = 1.0, Gamma = 1.0, Kernel = rbf.
  • --svc_c: Optional SVC parameter. Specify the C value of SVC. Requires --svc option to be active.
  • --svc_gamme: Optional SVC parameter. Specify the gamma value of SVC. Requires --svc option to be active.
  • --svc_kernel: Optional SVC parameter. Specify the kernel type of SVC (available options are linear,poly,rbf,sigmoid,precomputed).
  • --log_folder: MLFlow parameters to specify the save location. Default is "data/classification/mlflow".

The classifier is then evaluated, using the evaluation metrics as specified through the following optional arguments:

  • -aor --accuracy: Classification accurracy (i.e., percentage of correctly classified examples).
  • -kor --kappa: Cohen's kappa (i.e., adjusting accuracy for probability of random agreement).
  • -c or --confusionmatrix: prints the confusion matrix
  • -tka or --topkaccuracy: Top-k accuracy score (i.e. number of times the correct label is among the top k labels predicted)
  • -auc or --auc: Area Under the ROC Curve score (i.e the ability of the model to discriminate between positive and negative examples. A score close to 1 is considered a good classifier)
  • -roc or --roc: Plots the Receiver Operating Charactistic Curve

Moreover, the script support importing and exporting trained classifiers with the following optional arguments:

  • -i or --import_file: Load a trained classifier from the given pickle file. Ignore all parameters that configure the classifier to use and don't retrain the classifier.
  • -e or --export_file: Export the trained classifier into the given pickle file.

Finally, the optional argument -s or --seed determines the seed for intializing the random number generator (which may be important for some classifiers). Using the same seed across multiple runs ensures reproducibility of the results. If no seed is set, the current system time will be used.


All python code for the application demo can be found in code/application/.

The script application.py provides a simple command line interface, where the user is asked to type in their prospective tweet, which is then analyzed using the trained ML pipeline. The script can be invoked as follows: python -m code.application.application path/to/preprocessing.pickle path/to/feature_extraction.pickle path/to/dimensionality_reduction.pickle path/to/classifier.pickle The four pickle files correspond to the exported versions for the different pipeline steps as created by run_preprocessing.py, extract_features.py, reduce_dimensionality.py, and run_classifier.py, respectively, with the -e option.