
Socket Programming Project

Primary LanguageC++

Name: Feiwen Zheng
Student ID: 7850316591
What you have done in the assignment:

In this assignment, I learned about socket programming from beej's tutorial and was able to let programs communicate with each other according to 
requirements using UDP and TCP sockets. I've also written functions that read local files and calculate shortest distance between two nodes using Dijkstra's 
algorithm. I've also designed some rules for message parsing such that programs will act according to different situations instead of hard coding the 
sequence of all actions.
Code Files:
1. scheduler.cpp
	The scheduler file first set up a UDP socket that listens to initialization messages from hospitals. After receiving all messages from three hospitals, the 
	scheduler stores availability information locally in a map and set up a TCP socket that keep listening to client's query. Once a query is received, it checks 
	the availability of hospitals and sends the query to avilable hospitals through UDP. Then the scheduler will wait for all results from hospitals it contacted 
	and parse the message. If there is a legal assignment, the scheduler will first notify the client through TCP, and then notify the assigned hospital through 
	UDP. Both the scheduler and the assigned hospital will update the occupancy information. If there is no legal assignment, the scheduler will sedn error message 
	to the client based on given rules.

2. hospitalA/B/C.cpp
	The hospital first reads information from command line. It then sets up UDP socket and send an initial message to the scheduler. Then the hospital will read the 
	provided local file and store and graph in a map. Then it will keep waiting for queries from the hospital unitl manually stopped. When a query is received, it will 
	calculate the shortest distance between itself and the received location and return the score calculated using given rules. If the location is not in the map, the 
	hospital will return error messages. Finally, if it receives assignment from the scheduler (parsed according to the phase), it will update its occupanccy.

3. client.cpp
	The client's logic is really simple. It reads its location from command line, sets up TCP socket, send message to the scheduler, wait for a reply, parses the message 
	and the program will be closed. The client parses the error message according to some special terms return from scheduler.
The format of all the messages exchanged:

The messages are all strings with information seperated by ";". The messages sent by the hospitals all contain the name of hospital, such as 'A', 'B', etc. Some messages also 
contains a phase, such as "2" and "3e" at the beginning. Phases are mainly used for programs to parse the information and print out messages accordingly. For example, in the 
final phase when scheduler send assignment back to the client, "NF" represents location not found and "SCR" represents score equals to 0. 
Reused Code:

The set up of TCP and UDP sockets in various files and the send message function in the hospital files reused code from beej's tutorial. Please see comment for details.