
Simple example of a good project structure with pytest and sphinx implemented

Primary LanguagePython


Simple example of a good project structure with pytest and sphinx implemented


Getting Started

  • Install the requirements by typing
pip install -r requirements.txt

Running Tests

pip install -e .   # install package using setup.py in editable mode
  • Then run the tests using

Building Documentation

  • The documentation is built on Sphinx.
  • The Car class contains docstrings in 3 different styles:
    • Googley
    • Sphinxy
    • numpydoc
  • To build HTML documentation:
cd doc
make html
  • To build LaTeX documentation:
cd doc
make latex
cd build/latex

Importing into another project

The main project directory contains two files called func_1.py and func_2.py. They contain two useless functions called avg and dim which give the mean and shape of a given vector, respectively. In order to use these functions in other projects the __init__.py file requires the following lines

from .func_1 import *                                                           
from .func_2 import *

The __init__.py file is executed when the project is imported so these functions become available.

The steps are as follows:

  • Install the package by running $ pip install -e . in the root directory.
  • In your project/iPython, import as normal: import mean as mean.
  • Can now use these function as mean.avg([1,2,3]) which returns 3.0.