
Various Dockerfiles I use on the desktop and on servers.

Primary LanguageDockerfileMIT LicenseMIT


Travis CI

This is a repo to hold various Dockerfiles for images I create.

I try to make sure each has a command at the top for running it, if a file you are looking at does not have a command, please pull request it!

Almost all of these live on dockerhub under jess. Because you cannot use notary with autobuilds on dockerhub I also build these continuously on a private registry at r.j3ss.co for public download. (You're welcome.)

You may also want to checkout my dotfiles, specifically the aliases for all these files which are here: github.com/jessfraz/dotfiles/blob/master/.dockerfunc.

Using the Makefile

$ make help
build                          Builds all the dockerfiles in the repository.
dockerfiles                    Tests the changes to the Dockerfiles build.
image                          Build a Dockerfile (ex. DIR=telnet).
latest-versions                Checks all the latest versions of the Dockerfile contents.
run                            Run a Dockerfile from the command at the top of the file (ex. DIR=telnet).
shellcheck                     Runs the shellcheck tests on the scripts.
test                           Runs the tests on the repository.