This role is still under active development.

Configure a RHEL 7 system be be DISA STIG compliant. CAT I findings will be corrected and audited by default. CAT II and III findings can be enabled by setting the appropriate variables to yes.

This role is based on RHEL 7 DISA STIG: Version 1, Rel 1 released on March 13, 2017.


RHEL 7. Other versions are not supported.

Role Variables

Name Default Value Description
rhel7stig_cat1_audit yes Audit for CAT I findings
rhel7stig_cat2_audit no Audit for CAT II findings
rhel7stig_cat3_audit no Audit for CAT III findings
rhel7stig_cat1_patch yes Correct CAT I findings
rhel7stig_cat2_patch no Correct CAT II findings
rhel7stig_cat3_patch no Correct CAT III findings
rhel7stig_gui no Whether or not to run tasks related to auditing/patching the desktop environment
rhel7stig_av_package no Anti-virus package(s) to install and service to start and enable.
rhel7stig_lftpd_required no If set to no, remove lftpd.
rhel7stig_tftp_required no If set to no, remove tftp client and server packages.
rhel7stig_snmp_community Endgam3Ladyb0g SNMP community string that will replace public and private in snmpd.conf.
rhel7stig_bootloader_password Boot1tUp! GRUB2 bootloader password. This should be stored in an Ansible Vault.



Example Playbook

Including an example of how to use your role (for instance, with variables passed in as parameters) is always nice for users, too:

- hosts: servers
     - { role: rhel7-stig, when: "ansible_os_family == 'RedHat' and ansible_os_major_verision == 7"}
