
Access control for libvirtd, based on SSH keys and PolicyKit

Primary LanguagePerl

virt-access -- Access control for libvirtd

This accomplishes the following completely independent tasks:

  1. Allow users to connect to libvirtd securely through SSH without needing to give them unrestricted shell access.

    This is done via an SSH authorized_keys forced command and a script, virt-access which contains a set of whitelisted commands.

  2. Grant individual users access to invidiual libvirt domains, so that they can use standard tools like virt-manager and virsh to perform tasks like starting and stopping VMs, or accessing the graphical and serial console, but make no changes to the VM configuration.

    This is done via PolicyKit. The rules allow users in a specific group (vm-owners) limited access to VMs based on the name of their libvirt domain.

Important Security Note

Full disclosure:

The current implementation has a security problem: It allows any user who can use virt-access to open a graphical console to any VM.

This should be relatively easy to fix, I just haven't gotten around to it yet. See the comments in the virt-access file.

Note: The underlying idea of virt-access, that is whitelisting only specific netcat commands so that virt-manager/virsh can connect to libvirt, then using PolicyKit to restrict what they can to with that connection, is still sound.


Put these scripts in /opt/virt-access and run:

git clone -b stable https://github.com/fxkr/virt-access.git /opt/virt-access

chown root:root /opt/virt-access/{virt-access,23-virt-access.rules}
chmod 755 /opt/virt-access/virt-access,
chmod 644 /opt/virt-access/23-virt-acess.rules

sed -i 's/^#\(access_drivers = \[ "polkit" \]\)$/\1/' /etc/libvirt/libvirtd.conf
groupadd vm-owners
ln -s /opt/virt-access/23-virt-access.rules /etc/polkit-1/rules.d/

Creating users

adduser --shell=/usr/sbin/nologin --create-home $username
mkdir ~$username/.ssh
echo 'no-agent-forwarding,no-port-forwarding,no-pty,no-user-rc,no-X11-forwarding,command="/opt/virt-access/virt-access" ssh-rsa ...' >> ~$username/.ssh/authorized_keys
chown $username:$username ~$username/.ssh{,/.authorized_keys}

Granting access

Add '$username-' to the start of the domain name or '-$username' to the end of it.


Log messages will end up in /var/log/secure.

Changing rules files makes PolKit reload them. Unfortunately, this doesn't with for symlinks. As a workaround, you can just rename (mv) the symlink or touch another rules file.