
An ansible role that installs pip using get-pip.py and then installs any version


An ansible role that ensures pip is installed at the version you specify. It uses get-pip.py to install pip.

Role Variables

  • pip_download_dest specifies where get-pip.py should be downloaded to. Defaults to /tmp
  • pip_version specifies which version of pip you want to install.
    • Defaults to None, to install the latest version (If pip is installed, upgrades to the latest pip version available)
    • Can be set to a specific verion, e.g. "6.0.8" to force installation of that version.
    • Can be set explicitly to "LATEST" or "latest" to force upgrade to the latest available version (same behaviour as None).
  • python specifies what Python executable to use. Defaults to python.
  • pip specifies what pip executable to check and use. Defaults to pip.