
Tracking Latvian classified/ad portal ss.com for interesting apartments

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Tracking Latvian classified/ad portal ss.com for interesting classifieds

What it is

This python script can be run from cron to monitor the classifieds portal ss.com for interesting classifieds. Classifieds come an go and it seems like a good idea to automate the monitoring of the classifieds portal.

Setting it up

Clone this repo. Make sure to either use the provided Docker files or install dependencies manually with:

pip3 install requests lxml python-pushover

Edit settings.json. Use the provided example settings file. You need to change two things, first what classifieds you'd like to monitor. Currently houses and apartments are tested and supported.

The URL you use is same URL as you type in the browser, so you can kind of browse around, see what works for you and then put it into settings. In addition to URL, the apartment search also supports filtering by room count using the setting filter_room_count. This will look for apartments with room count >= the one you specified.

If you'd like to receive Pushover push notifications, you need to set pushover-enabled to True and provide your user key and API token.

You deploy it to a box that is always on and add it to cron. 10 10 * * * cd /where/you/cloned/it/sscom-tracker && python3 tracker.py > sscom.log

Of course set the candence to a frequency that suits you.

Known issues

With latest pylint and prospector there is a bug, covered here. The suggested workaround in the github issue to comment out a line in pylint code works.


The original idea was to make it bigger and to make a nice frontend for it. One of the things that I have added is caching so that I don't do needless trips to the classifieds portal. Currently the cache is just pickled, later one, some fancier storage could be used for it.



It currently has about 35% test coverage. Tests are written with pytest and you can run them with:

pytest -v tests/* --cov-report term-missing --cov='lib/' --cov='./tracker.py' -v


Bunch of docker files are provided in docker directory. You can build an environment and fire all the tests from within docker directory with:

docker build -f Dockerfile.sscom-tracker-base -t sscom-tracker-base --no-cache ../
docker build -f Dockerfile.sscom-tracker-testing -t sscom-tracker-testing --no-cache ..
docker run -ti sscom-tracker-testing ./testing.sh