- ALiwotoEarth, under the blue sky
- BonsaiPlaysChennai
- BrianMohamadSafiudinIndonesia
- Carebear05
- ChaoscrazyGemany
- chiro2001Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen
- CnyAnimeAustria
- DrgonRose
- ecastillochinFundacion Rafael Donde
- Franck-W
- fugoou1.048596
- galaxine-senpai@microwave-inc
- Geon456
- H3arnEverywhere
- IsallkunPasuruan, East Java, Indonesia
- jarinlima
- kotisoff@TMKSpace
- lagusdk
- oshitai
- oskaldevRussian Federation
- PinkQweenPoudre School District
- Preluck07
- sam10102539
- Satanepigone
- SaveGex
- SkixieNetherlands
- somay1618Indonesia
- XiaoLeGGSouthern University of Science and Technology
- zhixuan2333Tokyo, Japan