type with your voice on Mac/Windows/Linux using electronjs and google chrome
- arkokoley@zense, @iiitb2014
- arthurfm
- aviparsAmCan Tech
- Baadier-SydowSem Zoom
- billylo1Evergreen Labs
- cliche7Tangerang, Indonesia
- cocoonkidin transit
- cransono
- CWCorreaMedellin, Colombia
- denisfitz57
- DmitryOlkhovoi
- dreammaster38Private
- e70838
- jailbreakthetesla
- jerryasherSan Francisco
- julianxhokaxhiu@nearform
- kiliczsh@Invicti-Security
- mding5692
- memeree
- mfferreiraAmsterdam
- minichielloComo, Italy
- naves
- NetOpWibby@IdeasNeverCease
- nikolay@withcodery
- nimblestart
- PalashSharma15
- puneetkauraExploring...
- pushpeshkarki
- ranjanprjPune
- rrjanbiah
- russdbUnited Parcel Service
- samdupwww.zenbooth.net
- SantoshSrinivas79
- saturationTampere
- stephenwithavCharleston, SC
- wasauce