
Firefox addon to select, deselect and search courses in an admin Moodle page

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Firefox addon to select, deselect and search courses in an admin Moodle page

Available on Mozilla at https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/coursesel/


(the same extension has been developped for Google Chrome at: https://github.com/fxpar/courseSel-chrome)

Created from the "your second extension" by the mozilla teaching team, called "beastify"... hence all the filenames with "beast".

Screenshot de courseSel Screenshot de courseSel


  1. https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/coursesel/
  2. Install

On mobile or tablet, the menu has its own page...

Old Screenshot

from previous versions


Screenshot de courseSel Screenshot de courseSel


Screenshot de courseSel Screenshot de courseSel