
A blazing fast relay server adaptable to different protocols and desired levels of traffic inspection.

Primary LanguageRustApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Build Status

A blazing fast relay server adaptable to different protocols and desired levels of traffic inspection.

Use cargo build --release to build a release version of devolutions-gateway locally.

Command-line Interface

    devolutions-gateway [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]

    -h, --help
            Prints help information

            Enable service mode

    -v, --version
            Prints version information

        --api-key <KEY>
            The API key used by the server to authenticate client queries. [env: DGATEWAY_API_KEY=]

        --capture-path <PATH>
            Path to the pcap files. If not set, no pcap files will be created. WaykNow and RDP protocols can be saved.
            [env: DGATEWAY_CAPTURE_PATH=]

        --certificate-data <DATA>
            Certificate data, base64-encoded X509 DER. [env: DGATEWAY_CERTIFICATE_DATA=]

        --certificate-file <FILE>
            Path to the certificate file. [env: DGATEWAY_CERTIFICATE_FILE=]

        --delegation-private-key-data <DATA>
            Private key data, base64-encoded PKCS10. [env: DGATEWAY_DELEGATION_PRIVATE_KEY_DATA=]

        --delegation-private-key-file <FILE>
            Path to the private key file. [env: DGATEWAY_DELEGATION_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE=]

        --farm-name <FARM-NAME>
            Farm name [env: DGATEWAY_FARM_NAME=]

        --hostname <HOSTNAME>
            Specific name to reach that instance of Devolutions Gateway. [env: DGATEWAY_HOSTNAME=]

    -l, --listener <URL>...
            An URL on which the server will listen on. The external URL returned as candidate can be specified after the
            listener, separated with a comma. <scheme>://<local_iface_ip>:<port>,<scheme>://<external>:<port> If it is
            not specified, the external url will be <scheme>://<hostname>:<port> where <hostname> is the value of the
            hostname parameter. [env: DGATEWAY_LISTENERS=]

        --log-file <LOG_FILE>
            A file with logs

        --private-key-data <DATA>
            Private key data, base64-encoded PKCS10. [env: DGATEWAY_PRIVATE_KEY_DATA=]

        --private-key-file <FILE>
            Path to the private key file. [env: DGATEWAY_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE=]

        --provisioner-public-key-data <DATA>
            Public key data, base64-encoded PKCS10. [env: DGATEWAY_PROVISIONER_PUBLIC_KEY_DATA=]

        --provisioner-public-key-file <FILE>
            Path to the public key file. [env: DGATEWAY_PROVISIONER_PUBLIC_KEY_FILE=]

    -r, --routing-url <URL>
            An address on which the server will route all packets.
            Format: <scheme>://<ip>:<port>.
            Supported schemes: tcp, tls.
            If it is not specified, the JET protocol will be used.

Sample Usage

RDP routing

Devolutions Gateway can redirect RDP traffic authorized by a JWT (Json Web Token) both signed (JWS) and encrypted (JWE).

The key used to sign must be known by the Gateway. You can provide the public key to use using --provisioner-public-key-file with a path to a PEM file; or --provisioner-public-key-data with a base64-encoded pkcs10 value. The provisioner can then use its private key to sign a JWT and authorize RDP routing.

The key used for token encryption is provided using --delegation-private-key-data or --delegation-private-key-file similarly to the provisioner key. The public counter part of the delegation key must then be used for token encryption.

JWT structure and claims

Devolutions Gateway is expecting a nested JWT.

  1. A set of claims are signed using JWS (Json Web Signature) into a compact JWT. Use of RSASSA-PKCS-v1_5 using SHA-256 (RS256) is recommended.
  2. This signed token is then wrapped inside another token using JWE (Json Web Encryption) in compact form as well. Use of RSAES OAEP using SHA-256 and MGF1 with SHA-256 (RSA-OAEP-256) and AES GCM using 256-bit key (A256GCM) is recommended.

Required claims for both RDP-TCP and RDP-TLS modes:

  • dst_hst (String): target RDP host
  • jet_cm (String): identity connection mode used for Jet association This must be set to fwd.
  • jet_ap (string): application protocol used over Jet transport. This must be set to rdp.
  • exp (Integer): a UNIX timestamp for "expiration"
  • nbf (Integer): a UNIX timestamp for "not before"

Required claims for RDP-TLS mode:

  • Proxy credentials (client ↔ jet)

    • prx_usr (String): proxy username,
    • and prx_pwd (String): proxy password
  • Target credentials (jet ↔ server)

    • dst_usr: (String): host username,
    • and dst_pwd: (String): host password

If any claim required for RDP-TLS is missing RDP routing will start in RDP-TCP mode with no TLS inspection and thus no credentials proxying.

If all the optional claims are provided RDP routing will start in RDP-TLS mode with TLS inspection and credentials proxying (⚠ currently instable).

Token generation utilities

JWT generation should be facilitated by a provider (such as the WaykDen). However, you can easily generate a JWT for testing purposes by using CLI tools provided in /tools folder.


A native CLI. No binary provided; you will need a Rust toolchain to build yourself. See Install Rust.

$ cargo build --package tokengen --release

The binary is produced inside a target/release folder.

RDP-TCP example:

$ ./tokengen --provider-private-key /path/to/provisioner/private/key.pem rdp-tcp --dst-hst 

RDP-TLS example:

$ ./tokengen --provider-private-key /path/to/provisioner/private/key.pem --delegation-public-key /path/to/delegation/public/key.pem rdp-tls --dst-hst --prx-usr proxy_username --prx-pwd proxy_password --dst-usr host_username --dst-pwd host_password

A bash script. Requires smallstep CLI's tool. Check out the installation section.

RDP-TCP example:

$ ./rdp_token.sh 15 /path/to/private/provisioner/private/key.pem /path/to/public/delegation/public/key.pem target_address

RDP-TLS example:

$ ./rdp_token.sh 15 /path/to/private/provisioner/private/key.pem /path/to/public/delegation/public/key.pem target_address proxy_username proxy_password host_username host_password

Inject token in RDP connection using MSTSC

  1. Open MSTSC

  2. Enter a JET address in the "computer" field

  3. Press the "Save As..." button under the "Connection settings" panel to save ".RDP" file to you PC

  4. Open saved ".RDP" file with a text editor

  5. Append string "pcb:s:" to the end of the file (e.g: pcb:s:eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJleHAiOj...)

  6. Save file

  7. In MSTSC press "Open..." and select your edited file

  8. Done. You can start the connection

Inject token in RDP connection using FreeRdp

Using FreeRDP, token can be provided using /pcb argument with xfreerdp. (e.g: /pcb:eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJleHAiOj...)


Connection from Microsoft Windows 7/8/8.1/Server 2008/Server 2012 clients

  1. For Window 7 and Windows Server 2008: Install latest updates. Make sure to install the update that adds support for TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2. This is not required for newer Windows editions - they support TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2 by default.

  2. Add following cipher suites to the SSL Cipher Suite order:


    To add cipher suites, use the group policy setting SSL Cipher Suite Order under Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Network > SSL Configuration Settings. TLS Cipher Suites in Windows 7.

Redirection to Microsoft Windows 7/8/8.1/Server 2008/Server 2012 server

Unfortunately, Microsoft Windows 7/8/8.1/Server 2008/Server 2012 machines cannot accept connections from rustls client. Support for required cipher suits was not implemented until Windows 10.