
money 20/20 hackthon

Primary LanguageJavaScript

nodejs blockchain barebones client

Getting Started

This application demonstrates the basics of getting started with the Mastercard Core Blockchain API. To get started you should take the following steps

  • Clone this repository
  • Edit the message.proto file and assign your APP_ID for value of package
  • Goto Mastercard Developers and create a Mastercard Blockchain project (note this is currently a private API and you may need to request access). You will be taken through the wizard to create a node. You must provide an APP_ID and a protocol buffer definition i.e. message.proto.
  • You will receive a p12 file and a consumer key from Mastercard Developers for your project.
  • Execute the following commands
npm install
node app.js

When started it gets you to confirm your parameters and then displays a simple menu.


============ MENU ============
1. Update protocol buffer definition
2. Create entry
3. Retrieve entry
4. Retrieve block
5. Retrieve last confirmed block
6. Show Protocol Buffer Definition
7. Re-initialize API
8. Print Command Line Options
0. Quit
Option:  (0)

From this menu you can create basic text entries on the blockchain and then retrieve them. You can also retrieve the block the entry was written.

More Commandline Options

  --help                Show help                                      [boolean]
  --version             Show version number                            [boolean]
  --consumerKey, --ck   consumer key (mastercard developers)
  --keystorePath, --kp  the path to your keystore (mastercard developers)
  --keyAlias, --ka      key alias (mastercard developers)
  --storePass, --sp     keystore password (mastercard developers)
  --protoFile, --pf     protobuf file
  --verbosity, -v       log mastercard developers sdk to console[default: false]

Useful Info

This project makes use of the Mastercard Blockchain SDK available from npm.

npm install mastercard-blockchain --save