
Easy install zsh with commonly used plugins and customizations

Primary LanguageShell

Quick Install Zsh with Useful Customizations

This script installs Zsh with a custom agnoster theme and some userful plugins.


  • Run ./install.sh;
  • Confirm your default username. The command prompt will show your current username unless it's currently on your default user. If you want to show the current user at all time, answer n when prompted Is <USERNAME> your default user? [Y/n] and leave blank when prompted Please enter your default user:
  • Set color scheme to your terminal according to the color schemes section.


The script currently only support macOS (tested on 10.14.5). The following dependencies and sources will be installed if not already:

  • brew
  • curl
  • git
  • python
  • zsh
  • oh-my-zsh

Included Customizations

The script installs a custom version of agnoster with the following customizations:

  • Hide hostname and also hide username if operated by the default user;
  • Collapse directories that are more than 4 depths deep;
  • Prompt current virtual environment as a segment of agnoster and hide the prompt when it's the default environment (e.g. base for conda).

The script also installs the following zsh plugins:

Please check out the showcase section for examples.

Color Schemes

The repository currently offer the following color scheme for Mac Terminal and iTerm2.

Mac Terminal

  • In Terminal | Preferences... | Profiles, click on the gear on the bottom left and select Import, then import profiles/custom.terminal.


  • Copy profiles/iterm_profile.json to ~/Library/Application Support/iTerm2/DynamicProfiles;
  • In iTerm2 | Preferences... | Profiles, select "Custom" on the left.
