

There is the high latency wiht s2n_quic to send the data, the code is reproducer demo.


  1. Make sure we have ssl dependency

    sudo apt-get install openssl libssl-dev

  2. Computer A run the demo server, listen the port 51111.

    cd server && cargo run --release

  3. Computer B run the demo client, connect the server IP, please modify the SERVER_IP field in client/main.rs.

    cd client && cargo run --release

Case 1

When the latency > 40ms from computer A to B with ping.

ping from A to B

we send the image data with 25 fps. and output letancy about every 2 seconds. The latency(millisecond) is very high.

case 1

Case 2

All works well when the latency < 10ms from A to B.

However, When I specify the latency I want with tc command on computer B.

for example, I set up 40ms latency on network card eth0

sudo tc qdisc add dev eth0 root netem delay 50ms

We found the rapidly increasing network latency.

case 2


We can get stable and as low as possible latency, even if there is some latency between A and B.