
Log and replay keystrokes and mouse clicks for Windows system.

Primary LanguagePython

About The Project

Record and placyback the keystorkes and mouse clicks for Windows system. The scripts are tested on a Winodws 10 laptop without the secondary screen.


  1. Log/Playback keys pressed/released for a US keyboard.
  2. Log/Playback mouse movement and right/left button pressed/released.
  3. Use "CTRL" key to terminate record/playback by default.

Getting started


Install the lastest python3 version from https://www.python.org/.


# Start recording keystorkes and mouse clicks and save to default log file `log.txt`.
# Press `CTRL` to stop recording.
python.exe .\\record.py

# Repeat the records from `log.txt` for 10 times.
python.exe .\\playback.py --repeat 10

Known Issues

Fail to change camera in FFXIV with mouse smoothly.

When moving mouse around with left/right button pressed,n FFXIV window, the mouse point captured doesn't increase/decrease accordingly. It seems like FFXIV uses the relative movement instead of the absolute coordinates. Here is an example of moving point captured doesn't increase/decrease accordingly. It seems like FFXIV uses the relative movement instead of the absolute coordinates. Here is an example of moving camera from left to right by pressing right button:

{"x": 6860, "y": 23119, "raw": [201, 381], "MouseRightDown": true}
{"x": 6963, "y": 23058, "raw": [204, 380], "MouseMove": true}
{"x": 6963, "y": 23058, "raw": [204, 380], "MouseMove": true}
{"x": 6997, "y": 23058, "raw": [205, 380], "MouseMove": true}
{"x": 6929, "y": 23119, "raw": [203, 381], "MouseMove": true}
{"x": 6860, "y": 23119, "raw": [201, 381], "MouseRightUp": true}


  • The mouse positions of MouseRightDown and MouseRightUp are identical.
  • The raw POINT.x POINT.y before normalization is not monotonic increasing.
  • Replay mouse message with the relative coordinates in SendInput by subtracting raw points of MouseMove from MouseRightDown message. The camera seems to move smoothly as what we did in recording. However, it tends to move more compares to what we did during recording.


Shaomin Chiu - dgfsdg2001@gmail.com
