
Here Contain Chinese Movie Reviews Datasets for All

Chinese Movie Reviews Datasets

Here Contains Chinese Movie Reviews Datasets for All.

Chinese Yahoo! Movie Reviews

  • Files: 127K_YMovies_reviews.obj
  • SIZE: 29.6 MB
  • Movie Numbers: 1700
  • Genres: 18


Opinion Number in Genre and Ranked
Genres	Rank-1	Rank-2	Rank-3	Rank-4	Rank-5
A       1870    700     979     1433    4137
B       2151    857     1403    2323    9657
C       1116    326     535     934     2769
D       8659    2799    4334    7577    33492
E       315     134     250     481     2798
F       7741    2822    4535    7550    27690
G       148     62      95      217     1654
H       3628    1078    1599    2833    13455
I       4023    1301    1893    2818    8414
J       623     203     316     458     1710
K       3261    712     1019    1454    2734
L       888     306     468     826     4189
M       415     172     291     583     4094
N       647     17      43      51      878
O       160     60      112     182     436
P       405     193     367     779     4534
Q       2097    855     1323    2463    8250
R       6343    1881    2825    4456    11056


A= 奇幻 Fantasy
B= 科幻 Science Fiction
C= 犯罪 Crime
D= 懸疑/驚悚 Mystery/Thriller
E= 劇情 Drama
F= 溫馨/家庭 Romance/Family
G= 動作 Action
H= 勵志 Inspiring
I= 愛情 Love Story
J= 冒險 Adventure
K= 歷史/傳記 History/Biography
L= 恐怖 Terror
M= 戰爭 War
N= 音樂/歌舞 Music/Dance
O= 紀錄片 Documentary
P= 武俠 Martial Arts
Q= 動畫 Animation
R= 喜劇 Comedy


  1. use tools/zpickle.py to read files
  2. after you zloads(file_name), you will get a list contains elements as following:

(auth, rank, gens, name_ch, name_en, opnTxt, opnFeats) = opin_list_element