
Spark Cluster Mode Setup

To use setup-ssh.sh to setup the whole cluster, three things are required.

  1. A .txt file to indicate the machines address with the master address at first line and others are the following line.
  2. A USERNAME for all the machines. Currently, we only support cluster machines with identical usernames.
  3. A RSA public key file to let your local machine access all the cluster machines. Please refer other resources to know how to generate a public key.

Please use the file as the following way:


After a while, you can see the WebUI address for the Spark cluster. Enjoy it!

There are three additional files functioning on different parts of setup:

setup-ssh.sh: setup ssh connection between master and slaves machines.
setup-install.sh: install Spark on every machine.
setup-start.sh: launch Spark on master and connect slaves to the master.

There might be a stop.sh to trun down every machines. To be continued.