
[EXAMPLE / TUTORIAL] That's test task from a company I had apply sometime ago to. Exchange rates server. Aggregates data from ECB, Yahoo Finance, etc.

Primary LanguageJava

Exchange rates server

It's a simple Java application that can be used as an exchange rates server. It can gather rates data from a set of sources (ECB, Yahoo Finance, etc.) and store rates in DB (PostgreSQL is used by default). The stored rates data can be requested via REST API.

Check code styling (checkstyle): mvn checkstyle:check

Do static code analyzis (CPD/PMD): mvn site - results will be available at target/site/project-reports.html

Compile and start: mvn clean install exec:java


Get last rates from all sources: /rest/rates/current

Get rates for the certain source: /rest/rates/source/1

Get rates for the certain group: /rest/rates/group/2

Get rates for the default group: /rest/rates/group

Get rates for specific currency group: /rest/rates/currencygroup/2/

Get rates for default currency group: /rest/rates/currencygroup

Get legacy XML for default currency group: /rest/rates/currencygroup?legacy=true

Get legacy XML for specific source: /rest/rates/source/3?legacy=true

Put exchange rate data manually: /rest/rates/put/USD/1.5

Get rates for certain time limit:



The application provides state REST API that can be used for integrating with Zabbix.

Get status for all data sources: /admin/rest/state

Get status for specific data source: /admin/rest/state/1

Admin web UI

Basic admin web UI is accessible at: /admin Can be used for administering data sourcers, groups, parsers.