
arduino-lab-2-team-2 created by GitHub Classroom

Primary LanguageC++


Fawaz (Syed) Sai Rishabh Amitesh

  1. What is happening with the dimmer code pattern in part D step 3? When connected to the dimmer code on Waveforms, it looks like the simulated logic analyzer from our breathing 319K lab 3 as it shows rapidly increasing and decreasing duty cycles.

  2. What does the decoded message say in part D step 4? The decoded message displays a number in hex.

3-6: Didn't get to do individual measurements (Said to say my name is (Syed) Fawaz Usmani and there wasn't enough time to do this using the logic analyzers as there were too many groups that came last minute.)

  1. Compare serial monitor debugging with logic analyzer debugging. What are the pros and cons of each? The pro of serial monitor debugging is that it is more convenient and easier to do as no extra equipment is required to debug using the serial monitor. However, a con is that it is minimally intrusive while a pro of logic analyzer debugging is that it is non intrusive as it simply in parallel with the pins we are trying to read.

  2. Why do we need to connect the logic analyzer to the same ground as the Arduino? We need to connect the logic analyzer to the same ground as the Arduino so that both have the same reference point for ground. This is because the logic analyzer measures potential differences from ground and having the same ground allows it to get accurate readings from the arduino.