Network Defender Toolkit - a set of network tools for Enterprise Defense.
Please see our presentation at HITBAMS2013. Also available in ./presentation/
- python
- perl
specific requirements are outlined in documentation for each particular tool.
proxy analyzer - proxy logs tool analyzer designed to identify potential malicious activities (drive by download attacks, botnet c2 communication and so on) within enterprise proxy ogs
dns tools - a set of tools for dns traffic analysis
anomalizer - anomaly detection mechanics
ryocrawler - proactive "Roll Your Own" network crawler. built to identify potential Drive by Download attack points. (utilizes jsunpack and Yara for rapid content analysis)
SEC-rules - a set of rules for different purposes
update_macs - set of tools for matching user IDs and trace location changes
mlogparser - wrapper for MS' logparser to store windows logs in DB
- Vladimir Kropotov
- Segey Soldatov
- Fyodor Yarochkin