
Streaming reference architecture built around Kafka.

Primary LanguageScalaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

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Stream Reactor

Streaming reference architecture built around Kafka.

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A collection of components to build a real time ingestion pipeline.


Connector Type Description Docs
AzureDocumentDb Sink Kafka connect Azure DocumentDb sink to subscribe to write to the cloud Azure Document Db. Docs
BlockChain Source Kafka connect Blockchain source to subscribe to Blockchain streams and write to Kafka. Docs
Bloomberg Source Kafka connect source to subscribe to Blockchain streams and write to Kafka. Docs
Cassandra Source Kafka connect Cassandra source to read Cassandra and write to Kafka. Docs
Coap Source Kafka connect Coap source to read from IoT Coap endpoints using Californium. Docs
Coap Sink Kafka connect Coap sink to write kafka topic payload to IoT Coap endpoints using Californium. Docs
*DSE Cassandra Sink Certified DSE Kafka connect Cassandra sink task to write Kafka topic payloads to Cassandra. Docs
Druid Sink Kafka connect Druid sink to write Kafka topic payloads to Druid. Docs
Elastic Sink Kafka connect Elastic Search sink to write Kafka topic payloads to Elastic Search. Docs
FTP/HTTP Source Kafka connect FTP and HTTP source to write file data into Kafka topics. Docs
HBase Sink Kafka connect HBase sink to write Kafka topic payloads to HBase. Docs
Hazelcast Sink Kafka connect Hazelcast sink to write Kafka topic payloads to Hazelcast. Docs
Kudu Sink Kafka connect Kudu sink to write Kafka topic payloads to Kudu. Docs
InfluxDb Sink Kafka connect InfluxDb sink to write Kafka topic payloads to InfluxDb. Docs
JMS Sink Kafka connect JMS sink to write Kafka topic payloads to JMS. Docs
MongoDB Sink Kafka connect MongoDB sink to write Kafka topic payloads to MongoDB. Docs
MQTT Source Kafka connect MQTT source to write data from MQTT to Kafka. Docs
Redis Sink Kafka connect Redis sink to write Kafka topic payloads to Redis. Docs
ReThinkDB Source Kafka connect RethinkDb source subscribe to ReThinkDB changefeeds and write to Kafka. Docs
ReThinkDB Sink Kafka connect RethinkDb sink to write Kafka topic payloads to RethinkDb. Docs
Yahoo Finance Source Kafka connect Yahoo Finance source to write to Kafka. Docs
VoltDB Sink Kafka connect Voltdb sink to write Kafka topic payloads to Voltdb. Docs

Release Notes

0.2.5 (Pending)

  • Removed Socket Streamer in favour of Landoop kafka-backend
  • Move to Confluent 3.1.1 and Kafka
  • Move to Kudu 1.0
  • Move to CLI 1.0
  • Add ingest_time to CoAP Source
  • Adding Azure DocumentDb Sink

0.2.4 (26 Jan 2017)

  • Added FTP and HTTP Source.
  • Added InfluxDB tag support. KCQL: INSERT INTO targetdimension SELECT * FROM influx-topic WITHTIMESTAMP sys_time() WITHTAG(field1, CONSTANT_KEY1=CONSTANT_VALUE1, field2,CONSTANT_KEY2=CONSTANT_VALUE1)
  • Added InfluxDb consistency level. Default is ALL. Use connect.influx.consistency.level to set it to ONE/QUORUM/ALL/ANY
  • InfluxDb connect.influx.sink.route.query was renamed to connect.influx.sink.kcql
  • Added support for multiple contact points in Cassandra

0.2.3 (5 Jan 2017)

  • Added CoAP Source and Sink.
  • Added MongoDB Sink.
  • Added MQTT Source.
  • Hazelcast support for ring buffers.
  • Redis support for Sorted Sets.
  • Added start scripts.
  • Added Kafka Connect and Schema Registry CLI.
  • Kafka Connect CLI now supports pause/restart/resume; checking connectors on the classpath and validating configuration of connectors.
  • Support for Struct, Schema.STRING and Json with schema in the Cassandra, ReThinkDB, InfluxDB and MongoDB sinks.
  • Rename export.query.route to sink.kcql.
  • Rename import.query.route to source.kcql.
  • Upgrade to KCQL 0.9.5 - Add support for STOREAS so specify target sink types, e.g. Redis Sorted Sets, Hazelcast map, queues, ringbuffers.


Requires gradle 3.0 to build.

To build

gradle compile

To test

gradle test

To create a fat jar

gradle shadowJar

You can also use the gradle wrapper

./gradlew shadowJar

To view dependency trees

gradle dependencies # or
gradle :kafka-connect-cassandra:dependencies