Codes for `Fully and empirical Bayes approaches to estimating copula-based models for bivariate mixed outcomes using Hamiltonian Monte Carlo'

Note that supplementary codes are sourced to run the main codes.

Main codes

sim.r: Code for simulation and Full/Empirical Bayes analysis of data

burn_analysis.r: Code for the analysis of burn injury data (data can be accessed via the link in the code)

Supplementary codes

copulalinks.r: different transform of copula parameter for each copula family

corrmat.r: incorporating possible correlation in the covariates

decodeCombo.r: decode combination code to get simulation settings

model_selection.r: calculate DIC and LPML for model selection

simulate_data.r: source code for simulation of covariates and bivariate responses

EB.stan: RStan model used for empirical Bayesian analysis

FB.stan: RStan model used for full Bayesian analysis

Cppfns.cpp: copula functions written in C++ for effective optimization