
Install applications by brew, Homebrew-Cask, and mas

Primary LanguageShell


This bash script will install listed applications by

Useful when clean installing macOS


mac_installer.sh [YOUR_APPLE_ID_EMAIL_ADDRESS]

This script would prompt the App Store login dialog to let you input the password of your Apple ID assigned in the argument

Default applications to install

Of course, feel free to make your own list


  • ansible
  • flake8
  • git
  • htop
  • httpie
  • mas
  • mosh
  • nmap
  • tig
  • tmux
  • zsh


  • alfred
  • atom
  • bartender
  • coolterm
  • dropbox
  • evernote
  • firefox
  • gitkraken
  • google-chrome
  • gpgtools
  • iterm2
  • keka
  • macdown
  • macvim
  • netspot
  • postman
  • sequel-pro
  • skype
  • steam
  • telegram
  • tunnelblick
  • virtualbox
  • vlc

macOS App Store

  • Magnet
  • Keynote
  • iMovie
  • QuickScale
  • 1Password
  • Coinverter
  • Airmail3
  • Quiver
  • Tweetbot
  • Slack
  • Pages
  • Pocket
  • LINE
  • GarageBand
  • TextWrangler
  • Numbers
  • InstaCal
  • PopClip