
Django REST Framework API for Fyle QBO

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Django Rest Framework API for Fyle Quickbooks Online Integration


  • Add and update the fyle_integrations_imports submodule

    $ git submodule init
    $ git submodule update
  • Download and install Docker desktop for Mac from here.

  • If you're using a linux machine, please download docker according to the distrubution you're on.

  • Copy docker-compose.yml.template as docker-compose.yml and add required secrets

    $ cp docker-compose.yml.template docker-compose.yml
  • Setup environment variables in docker_compose.yml

      SECRET_KEY: thisisthedjangosecretkey
      ALLOWED_HOSTS: "*"
      DEBUG: "False"
      API_URL: http://localhost:8000/api
      DATABASE_URL: postgres://postgres:postgres@db:5432/qbo_db
  • Build docker images

    docker-compose build api qcluster
  • Run docker containers

    docker-compose up -d db api qcluster
  • The database can be accessed by this command, on password prompt type postgres

    docker-compose run -e PGPASSWORD=postgres db psql -h db -U postgres qbo_db
  • To tail the logs of a service you can do

    docker-compose logs -f <api / qcluster>
  • To stop the containers

    docker-compose stop api qcluster
  • To restart any containers - would usually be needed with qcluster after you make any code changes

    docker-compose restart qcluster
  • To run bash inside any container for purpose of debugging do

    docker-compose exec api /bin/bash
  • To restart qcluster automatically after code changes, follow the steps below:

    pip install -r requirements.dev.txt
    python q_cluster_watcher.py

Running Tests

  • Add this to you Dockerfile before the # set environment variables step:

    # install the requirements from the requirements.txt file via git
    RUN apt-get update && apt-get install git -y --no-install-recommends
    ARG CI
    RUN if [ "$CI" = "ENABLED" ]; then \
            apt-get install lsb-release gnupg2 wget -y --no-install-recommends; \
            apt-cache search postgresql | grep postgresql; \
            sh -c 'echo "deb http://apt.postgresql.org/pub/repos/apt $(lsb_release -cs)-pgdg main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg.list'; \
            wget --no-check-certificate --quiet -O - https://www.postgresql.org/media/keys/ACCC4CF8.asc | apt-key add - ; \
            apt -y update; \
            apt-get install postgresql-14 -y --no-install-recommends; \
  • Add the following environment variables to setup.sh file

    export FYLE_BASE_URL=<fyle base url>
    export FYLE_CLIENT_ID=<client_id>
    export FYLE_CLIENT_SECRET=<client_secret>
    export FYLE_REFRESH_TOKEN=<refresh_token>
    export FYLE_TOKEN_URI=<fyle token uri>
    export QBO_CLIENT_ID=<qbo client id>
    export QBO_CLIENT_SECRET=<qbo client secret>
    export QBO_REDIRECT_URI=<qbo redirect uri>
    export QBO_TOKEN_URI=<qbo token uri>
    export QBO_ENVIRONMENT=<qbo environment>
  • Run the following commands

    1. source setup.sh
    2. docker-compose -f docker-compose-pipeline.yml build
    3. docker-compose -f docker-compose-pipeline.yml up -d
    4. docker-compose -f docker-compose-pipeline.yml exec api pytest tests/

    If the test_check_toekn_health() test fails then generate new refresh tokens and place them in test_refresh_token.txt file

  • Run the following command to update tests SQL fixture (tests/sql_fixtures/reset_db_fixtures/reset_db.sql)

    docker-compose -f docker-compose-pipeline.yml exec api /bin/bash tests/sql_fixtures/migration_fixtures/create_migration.sh

Working with pre commit hooks

  • Run below command to install pre commit, if it is not already installed. pre commit version must be at least 3.3.1.
brew install pre-commit
  • To set up pre commit hook in your local development environment run below command. This step may take a little longer to complete. Once done pre commit hooks will automatically run on changed files when you do git commit.
pre-commit install --install-hooks
  • To run pre commit hooks on all files run below command
pre-commit run --all-files
  • To skip pre commit hooks in case of emergency
git commit --no-verify -m "Commit_message"